Chapter one: Job

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Most people find comfort and safety in their work. Some find happiness or a feeling of belonging while others might just be in it for the promise of a lavish life filled with success. You are neither of these people.

Your current "workplace" is a little unconventional sure, but its what you got to work with so complaining won't do much. The room was dimly lit, a small lamp in the corner being your only source of light. 'That not gonna work' You thought, so you put down your over-sized duffel bag and yanked the lamp closer to the center of the living-room where a sweet looking coffee table sat. Only, a bleeding man was laying on top of it so the nice wood finish was heavily overlooked.

You pursed your lips in thought, a little habit you formed ever since you started using your quirk more. Your pupils dilated and the environment faded to black, a screen appearing in front of your eyes instead. The interface was like that of an old atari game, labeled "Next Up: (Y/n) Memories!" in bright pixilated lettering. You selected 'clips' and began scrolling through the options. Playing back and forth you found the correct one. It was titled: "bullet wound care procedures" a video you watched three years ago. Based on the instructions given, The injury this man sustained requires immediate action or he will bleed out and die, if not from the ensuing infection that was bound to happen. All of the information you needed was right at your fingertips, and so you ventured forth.

A bullet had entered the front of his upper thigh, only it didn't exit. "Alright, this is gonna be painful so keep the screams to a minimum", You said with a hushed tone. Inside the huge duffel bag was a trauma kit, specifically made for bullet wounds. Inside was a wide band called a tourniquet that you secured, then tightened, above the inflicted extremity. The pressure would ensure that the bleeding would slow down enough for extraction. Next came the anti-septic and gauze, which you dabbed around and on the bloody hole causing an irate hiss from the 'patient'. Sighing heavily, you pulled out the last tool, a long and thin pair of tweezers. The man sweatdropped at this and you almost felt some pity for what was to come, so you looked around the house for something this guy could bite on. There on the counter was a bloody rag probably used to stop the bleeding from earlier, so that will do.

"Here bite this," you said, he flinched, staring at the rancid towel, but he obliged. Finally, with tweezers (freshly cleaned of course) in hand, you began to dig inside the bullet hole. He screamed against the rag, gripping tightly on the not-so-sweet coffee table. After a second or two you finally hit the lead bullet and hastily pulled it out. With a 'plink!' it landed on a little plate you thankfully placed on the counter when setting up. Blood was gushing now, even with the tourniquet. The thick dressing was just enough to stabilize the bleeding, and finally with a little duck tape to add some flair he was completely dressed and prepped for recovery.

"T-thank you the doc, I wouldn't know what to do if you couldn't help me", He stuttered. You were packing up your things, cleaning off your nightmare tweezers when he placed a hand on your shoulder. Then you noticed how tall he was in comparison, you were due for a growth spurt sometime soon. With a sincere smile, he said, "Really, I mean it." You brushed off the hand in a frown. Everything was packed and ready to go, "Before I leave, make sure to take two Tylenol in the morning for pain, but refrain from using ibuprofen. The internal bleeding could be detrimental in addition to the wound. Oh, and it's 15,000 yen for bullet wounds". He nodded and handed you an envelope. With this, your business has concluded, and you left the dimly-lit apartment and the man with the hole in his thigh. For your job is done.  

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