RP Forms

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Please fill one of these in and comment it below so that I can make sure everyone is having a great time!

Quidditch Player?
Favourite Subject:
Blood Type:
Extra Info:

Here is my OC as an example!

Name: Freya Smith
Age: 15
House: Hufflepuff
Looks: Blonde hair with grey eyes and a splash of freckles over her nose and cheeks. She's about 5'4
Personality: She's generally a bubbly person but can be shy and modest at times. She's also very sarcastic, which can get her into trouble with the grown ups sometimes...
Flaws: She's often too trusting of people and is very clumsy!
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wand: Pear Wood with a Unicorn Hair Core
Doesn't Play Quidditch
Favourite Lesson: Transfiguration
Blood Type: Half-Blood
Extra Info: She is long sighted and is often seen wondering around with a pair of reading glasses on her head. She also plays violin.

Have fun guys!! The locations at Hogwarts will be up soon!

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