*smut* backseat love (castiel)

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"We’ll be right back," Dean Winchester’s green eyes flashed at you in the rear view mirror. "Don’t move."

You pouted slightly and crossed your arms, sitting back against the leather seat near Castiel. You didn’t like the idea of letting Sam and Dean go into a motel room to talk to vampire informants alone.

"Yeah yeah," you muttered as they opened the creaky Impala doors. "I’ll probably be storming in to save your asses anyways…" Vampires couldn’t be trusted.

"What was that, (y/n)?" Dean challenged, poking his head into the window. You rolled your eyes. Dean was definitely the one who kept your attitude in check.

"Nothing," you replied, lowering your gaze in submission.

"That’s what I thought." He nodded firmly and pointed at you. "Half an hour. Cas?"

The angel looked up.

"Make sure (y/n) doesn’t do anything stupid. The last thing I wanna do is clean her sorry ass off the ground."

You hated vampires more than any other monsters since one had killed someone close to you. Maybe your righteous anger had gotten you in a few close scrapes before… and maybe if Sam and Dean hadn’t been there, you’d be pushing daisies but sometimes you couldn’t help yourself.

You watched the boys walk across the parking lot to the only motel room that had its light on. Anxiety gnawed at your stomach. You knew they were perfectly capable of handling themselves but that didn’t keep you from worrying. You wanted so badly to pop the trunk and grab a blade just in case… 

It was quiet in the back seat. You realized you could hear Castiel breathing. A night breeze came in through the window and you got chills You rubbed your arms up and down, trying to smooth away the goosebumps.

"Are you cold?"

Castiel’s voice sounded loud in close quarters and made you flinch. You opened your eyes and looked over at him. He was starring at you with his magnetic baby blues. Even in the car, they caught the light from the streetlamps and stunned you with miniature rainbows.

"A little bit," you answered, your own voice sounding strange and gravely to your ears.

"Here." Castiel began to shrug off his coat to give to you but you had a better idea.


You scooted closer to him, nestling your body close to his side and beneath his trench coat. His body heat did wonders to ease your goosebumps but stirred something else in exchange. You nuzzled his shoulder, tossing your leg over his lap and pressing your body snuggly to his. He wrapped his arm around your waist, a tiny hitch in his breath the only indication that your closeness had any effect on him. 

"There," you swallowed away the sudden constriction of your throat. "That’s better."

"Better," he agreed in a rumbling voice. 

You grinned, pressing your face against his collar bone and getting a strong whiff of his unique scent. He was, quite literally, a breath of fresh air. You wondered if that was how heaven smelled. Clean, crisp, delicious…

You pressed a tiny kiss to the base of his neck, just a little peck. Cas shifted slightly but otherwise stayed quiet. You glanced up at him for a moment and saw he was starring down at you, his face oddly inexpressive although he was a little red around the ears. You kissed him again, the tiny hairs on his neck pricking your lips in an oddly wonderful way. You laid more slow, tender kisses over his scratchy skin.

Castiel’s hand tightened on your waist; a gentle warning. You ignored it, starting to suck a little and leave tiny love marks here and there. He let out a painfully slow breath, struggling to keep himself in line but it was becoming impossible with how attentive you were being with your lips. Your mouth trailed slowly higher, making sure no bit of skin went unkissed. When you reached his earlobe and gave it a little love, Cas unwound with a groan. Your hand slipped from his chest to his thigh, squeezing gently.

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