*smut* taking care of you (castiel)

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"Shapeshifters are the worst," you said as soon as your head made contact with a pillow, and you couldn't help but moan as the tension started leaving your body just from that.

You, the brothers and Castiel just finished a hunt that involved a shapeshifter, and to say that it went bad was an understatement. The biggest downturn-and oh, there was many-was that the shapeshifter took your form, previously locking you away in a cabin in the woods, and almost killed Sam and Dean. Thanks to Castiel, who noticed 'your' different behavior, everyone was saved and relatively not injured.

And just when you thought you could get a shut-eye during the ride back, Dean's favorite greatest hits were coming on the radio one after another, and he made sure to blast all of them so the car's entire construction shook. You tried to use earbuds, but they weren't much help, and to top everything off, the road that you were driving on had countless amounts of bumps, making your head hit the window each time you tried to take a nap. So, to say that you were beat, was not an exaggeration.

Castiel, who was in the bedroom as well, could see how exhausted you were, hence you couldn't even bring yourself to change your clothes. He placed your hunting bag on the table and sat next to you on the bed.

You felt the bed dip, indicating that Cas joined you on it, but you couldn't bring yourself to open your eyes.

"Honeybee, you have to change your clothes," he said. "They are covered in blood."

In reply, you grumbled something incoherent before turning around on your side, snuggling deeper into a warm pillow, enjoying how soft the cotton was compared to Impala's leather. However, your rest was short lived, as the next thing you knew was that you were being picked up. Right away, you opened your eyes and saw that Castiel was taking you to the bathroom right across your bedroom.

You couldn't help it and started laughing. He was so caring and loving, it made your heart swell with love for the angel.

"Thank you, babe," you said and kissed his cheek. He turned his head to you and gave a quick smile before opening the bathroom door and walking in. He set you on the counter before turning to the bath and turning the water on, letting it run. When he made sure the water temperature was not too hot or too cold for you, he turned the faucet down a little so the water would flow slower, and dropped a rose petal bath bomb in, the one you always praised. He turned his attention back to you and started unbuttoning your shirt.

"You are so cute," you said as you ran a hand through his hair.

He pulled your flannel down your arms and then your under-shirt, leaving your top half only in bra. "May I?" he said as he traced his fingers over the clasp at your back. Even though you two have been dating for what felt like forever, undressed each other countless of times, each time he still asked for your permission, which you appreciated greatly.

You mumbled an 'of course' and he unclasped your bra before putting it neatly on the counter by your shirt. You rolled your shoulder at the feeling of your breasts finally being free of their confines. As you did that, Castiel noticed red lines, left by your bra straps on your shoulders. He brought his lips to one of them and kissed it, taking away all the pain and evidence of them.

He then dropped to his knees in front of you and started to pull your jeans down your legs. As soon as they were off, he kissed your calf, then your knee and finally your thigh, while massaging the other one with his hand at the same time.

It probably shouldn't even be a surprise by now, but those small actions still managed to make a spark of arousal shoot through you, even in your sleepy state.

He hooked his fingers in your panties and looked up at you. You nodded your head and lifted your hips so he could pull them down your legs before letting them fall on the floor near your jeans. The timing was perfect, since out of the corner of your eyes you could see the bath more than halfway full and covered in light pink bubbles. Few petals floated around as well, making the room smell like roses and summer.

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