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The usual happened again. Me sitting in front of the tv. The screen black. Only my reflection to look at. My head jerking to the side from time to time, causing my neck to ache. I sighed, turning on the tv, the news playing.

"-Has struck again with another massacre. Victims who were at the bank had their bodies torn open and certain organs were said to be missing. All possible witnesses have either been brutally brought to their demise or have g-" I sighed deeply while turning off the tv again "of course they attacked again" my head jerked to the side again "why wouldn't they?"I got up and went to the kitchen with the realisation that I hadn't had dinner yet, it being already two at night.  By the time I figured out what to eat, which was almost an hour later because I got distracted by stuff I had to do, I came to the conclusion that maybe skipping a meal wouldn't be so bad. So I thought, hence I went to bed with an empty stomach to eventually give in. I got up and took a glance at the clock "not the time for food.."I mumbled, reading the time on my alarm clock, yet got up anyways to grab a quick snack to fill my stomach

--I know short prologue, just to intrigue people :P. In the next chapter more things will be said about the protagonist--

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