Chapter II. Who Oh Who

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A few days went by as the silence and calmth returned to the small site, the fear and panic that came along with the mass murder that happened over a week ago by now had left again. As the town had come back at peace many people had been looking out for the albino man, including me. I wanted to know who he was so badly, see his handsome face, his cute dimples which were shown when he smiled coldly. The memory of having him in front of me made my heart flutter, the memory of his rough touch sent a tingling sensation up through my arm, the memory of his eyes looking directly into mine felt like it made my heart stop.

Slowly the ambient sounds of all the people talking in the cafe around me returned, I zoned out? Well it happened before, a few times, each time it got caused by the mysterious man whom I'd love to see again, each time the thought of his soft skin touching the tender skin of my arms made my heart flutter, each time it made my heart break upon remembering that I'll never see him again, that I'll never ever know him, that I'll never hear his deep voice again...

With a deep sigh I got up and headed to the exit before letting my gaze drop at someone seated right next to the window, someone whom I recognised... It was him, the man whose jawline's sharper than a knife, whose voice could make anyone melt. He was here. Unable to make myself go to him and talk to him, my body decided it was time to tic and fall, and make my legs incapable of working. Fun. Just fun. The mysterious man's head perked up, soon noticing me on the floor and offered help, his touch now gentle as he helped me up and into a chair. I thanked him and looked up at him. It was him. Him, whom I encountered in the woods that day."Hey-weren't you in the woods the other day?~" "P-Possible..." "It was you-I remember those tics~" "Y-Yeah..."my heart was pounding. Breaking open my chest. Making my blood gush through my veins. And only then I realised I was staring, not saying a word anymore upon having him crouch down in front of me and wave in front of my eyes"is everything alright? Do I have to bring you home?~"
I didn't function properly anymore. No movement at all, no vocalisations, no speech, no reaction." What's your name?"was the first thing I blurted out which resulted in a small chuckle from the mysterious man"Raphael, what's yours lil one?~" "A-Alex.." "Well it's a pleasure meeting you Alex~"he smiled warmly, his dimples appearing.

We ended up chatting a lot, I ended up often staring which he didn't seem to mind. I found out he had a little sister whom got adopted by a different family and that he just lived at his own ever since he got out of the orphanage he grew up in. He was the first person who seemed to not mind my ticking and such, just laughed and felt comfortable with it. It was amazing...

Soon the cosy atmosphere and comfort came to an end as the cafe closed. We both got up, continuing our conversation as he walked me home which he insisted on doing. He cared. It was the best feeling in the world. Someone who cared about the freak of the village.

I invited him in, gave him tea as we kept talking for hours and hours as if we'd known each other for centuries. His graceful movements as he helped me up for the billionth time. He didn't grow tired of it. He truly cared. For the first time in ever someone actually cared. Never in my life I'd felt this way before. Loved.

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