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  We walked down the dark halls with smiles imprinted on our faces as we whispered to each other. The haunted house that we were running around was actually set up very well. People said that it was really good and they did get scared a lot, so Tyler and I decided to go to it for a little bit of fun. It was great so far. I was wondering what was going to happen next but then we came to a stop and looked at two doors that stood in front of us. We both looked at each other with a smile.

  Tyler had the biggest smile on his face as he was still giggling from the thing that had just happened. Let's just say I hadn't really been spooked by any of the big things but when a cardboard cut out jumped out the wall, I practically screamed and fell on my ass. Tyler laughed, he laughed hard at my stupidity. I mean I can't blame him, I laughed too. Literally, out of everything the smallest thing got to me.

  "We should split up!" Tyler spoke aloud quiet confidently only breaking me from my thoughts to stare up at the tall man.

  "That sounds like a bad idea, let's do it! Rock, paper, scissors?" I asked as I held out my hands immediately only to have him be put in the same exact stance as well. I looked him in the eyes... They were blue today.. A very, deep, blue..

  "Best two outta three." he spoke with haste and immediately we went at it and this time I lost twice, only grunting in an "annoyed"(playful) tone.

  Tyler laughed warmly, "okay so I'll go left, you go right." he spoke softly as he nuged himself right in front of the left door which I had done the same to the right.

  I went to open the door but immediately was hit with worry, "What if something really bad happens to Tyler.. What if it's a claustrophobic room like the other that he had literally almost fainted in and I had the help him out as quick as possible... Well this may do him some good on his ego. When that happened he seemed very embarrassed, like he was trying to show off but completely failed."

  "Are you sure you wanna do this...?" I spoke in an unsure tone as I had made eye contact with him one last time.

  He gave a reasuring smile, "Yes, I'm very sure. I know I'm ready, are you?"

  "Y-yeah I'm fine I'm just worried about you. I'm ready though if you are," I responded and he nodded his head.

  "1.. 2... 3"

  We walked into the rooms.

  The room that I was brought to was pitch black and the door behind me slammed shut. I tensed up at the loud sound.

  I saw a little red light, it seemed to be a button of some sort, I walked to it, it was about waist high. I didn't know if I should touch it or not. I took a chance with it and pushed it anyways.

  It worked, turning on a light in the room. It was blinding till my eyes started to adjust. I froze from the sight in front of me. There were tons of them all staring right at me. I could almost feel the presence of the dead just propped up by sticks.

  "Why mannequins? Why?" I asked myself in my head.

  I backed up a little, hitting something. I immediately turned around and saw more. I almost felt light headed I was so scared. I ran back to the door to go. Then I noticed that it seemed like they moved closer. Things didn't feel right. It felt very unnatural like this room wasn't made by human hands.. It shook me to my core honestly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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