Round 3: I Love You

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"Someone told me that...that you don't really love me."

As soon as the words escape his lips, they hang in the air, daunting, waiting for a reply.

"What?" I say, slightly dumbfounded.


I stare at him for a moment, then sigh.

"Bram, of course I love you, how could you think otherwise?"

Bram lowers his gaze. "I'm sorry, the person who told me was convincing."

I cup his face in my hands, looking into his warm, brown eyes. "Well then, I'm going to be even more convincing. Give me five days, and I'll give you five reasons why I love you."


Day 1: Your eyes

is it selfish to say

the first reason I love you

is because of your eyes?

from the moment we first met

I fell in love

with the orbs the color of

melting chocolate

for they hold the most beautiful person

within them

and all the things he feels

the joy and hope and love

and anger and pain and fear

the way they capture my soul

the way they brighten the sky

which is exactly why

the very first reason I love you

is because of your beautiful, beautiful eyes


Day 2: Your smile

I love it when your lips

decide to bless me with your smile

the way they curve in joy

will always make my day

the dimples in your cheeks

are cute, tiny accents

that make your grin flourish

in the best possible way

so is it too belittling of me

to relish for a while

why I love you so earnestly

is partly due to your smile?


Day 3: Your touch

whenever your fingers

graze my skin

I feel a rush of warmth

a tingling, prickling feeling

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