Round 6: The Coronation

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At nine o'clock in the morning at Auradon Prep, in one of the many music rooms it housed, a thunderous crash sounded.

No one truly noticed, of course, because everyone had already gathered at Prince Ben's coronation. The one that would let him rise in position as king, as all coronations did.

Alex groaned as he steadied himself against a set of drums, his head spinning.

He had to freaking pee.

That wasn't exactly the most important thing, though, the important thing was...did it work? Had he traveled back in time?

Alex pushed off from the drums, noticing he'd broke the entire set seeing as he'd quite literally fallen on it out of no where, which had resulted in the cringe-worthy clash that had resounded in the room less than a minute before.

He had to remember to choose a better landing place next time.

He looked around, noticing various instruments placed around the room along with four rows of chairs. He was in a music room then.

Pulling the door open just a little, Alex peered outside, finding the hall deserted. There seemed to be no teachers or students in sight, which raised his hopes up considerably. Maybe they really were at the coronation, which to Alex, had happened over two years ago. He was here to foil Mal's attempt at turning her mother into a lizard so evil could reign forever. So that his dad, who taught Alex everything he knew, would never have been arrested in the first place for trying to cross the barrier to Auradon.

He snuck out of the room, running through the hall and slipping himself between a set of lockers just in case. He knew very well with his ragged shirt and baggy shorts, he stood out like a peasant in a crowd of nobles.

Alex knew where they were holding the coronation. He just had to get there in time.

Running through the hallways of Auradon Prep, he found them mostly silent. There was no one in the school, and that made Alex think about causing some trouble like making half of the building explode into floating ashes. Still, he knew what he was really here for, so he hurried from the school grounds and not long after, made his way to the magnificent castle where the coronation was held.

Alex hid himself behind a random building and looked around the corner, spotting five guards stationed at the front. Security. Of course. Why wouldn't a coronation have security? And to think he'd have to take on all of them while he needed to piss so badly. His lips curled in disdain at the thought of having to put five, big, burly figures down, but if he wanted to get inside, he'd have to do it. And silently so that none of them could call for back up or anything.

An idea popped into his head, and he decided to use it; Alex was the kind of person that never thought before he acted anyway.

"Make it big but silent, a strong breeze in the air, a blizzard in a hurricane, the evil in a lair."

Evidently, Alex wasn't good with spells, but that one seemed to do the trick, and a whirling mass of wind whipped past the guards, disappearing behind the castle, at the same time catching their attention, for what wouldn't be more suspicious than a sudden gust of wind on a hot, breeze-less summer day?

Alex waited until the guards we're gone to investigate before he ran up to the steps leading to the large double doors.

It was immediately clear that something was wrong. Not wrong, exactly, just...strange.

Alex slipped into the enormous great hall, looking up to see almost everyone frozen, their movements halted in a moment. This wasn't the kind of frozen where you freeze because you've been stumped, but literally frozen in a way that made the hall look like a room full of statues. Alex knew. It was Maleficent's doing. However, it wasn't long before he heard commotion from the midst of it all,at the very center of sorta-living-statues.

He ran through the crowd, careful to stay hidden amongst them. He wouldn't want Mal or any of her friends seeing him and foiling his plan.

Alex darted behind a pillar, trying to steady his heavy breathing, his heartbeat increasing its pace as seconds passed by.

He could hear the yelling clearly now. He even knew what Mal would say next. He'd seen the clip of this event so many times he'd memorized it by heart. He'd studied it so hard, he could say all the details of it in his sleep.

"Leave my friends alone!" Mal's voice rang loud and clear.

This is between you and me, mother, Alex mouthed, just as Mal said those exact words.

Then he heard chanting, and Alex knew this was his chance. This was his chance to defeat Mal and save his father from being arrested.

The chanting grew louder, filling every crevice of the room as Alex's heart pounded in his ears. "...four hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none..."

Alex took a deep breath. The swirling wind which he had sent to distract the guards was once back at his side. Just on time. Alex narrowed his eyes, grabbing the curling, wavering bout of air in his hands.

And threw it. Right at Mal's face.

The wind spiraled forward, knowing only one task, and determined to finish it.

In reality, all Mal really felt was a faint breeze, flickering against her face. But the fluttering air irritated her eyes, which were locked in a stare down with Maleficent, working a spell Mal had never won before. And of course, Alex wouldn't let her win this time, either.

The slight breeze was all it took. Mal blinked, and the spell was broken.

A wide grin spread on Alex's face at the roar of the dragon-aka Maleficent. He'd done it. He'd saved his father. Hopefully.

Alex could hear screaming and yelling. The thudding of running feet. Cries of terror, and the feeling of creeping darkness, wrapping him in a blanket of cold comfort. Chaos. Evilness. A smirk slowly spread on his face. He'd defeated Mal. He'd won, in a way.

Alex could feel a faint tugging on his sleeve, a tingling sensation that ran from head to toe. He knew that time was up, that it was time to go, and he'd never been more ready to go; and if the large smile on his face wasn't any indication he'd succeeded, then the light in his eyes was.

Alex let his eyelids lower contently as the pulling grew stronger, yanking him into a vortex of swirling colors and dizzying space. But in all honesty, he didn't care about feeling nauseated or the fact that he never really stayed to watch how Maleficent ended the whole thing-or whether Mal might have survived, because he was finally going home, possibly back to his father, and most definitely to a world where evil dominated. That was all that mattered.

And, in a (not so) very serious sense, he could finally find and use a freaking bathroom.

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