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'Hello? Are you there? Of course you are because your looking at this. Ummm.... My name is Yukina Tsukami. I used to live in Japan, but my brother wanted to move to America. Where are my parents? My mom was murdered when I was five, and my dad went missing after she died. That should of made me really sad, but it didn't really. I did become depressed and I'm on medication for it, but I don't think it's working. My brother, Sho, can be a little over protective of me, but he's my brother so I have to deal with him...'

"Yuki! Get off your diary! You have school today!" my brother yells from downstairs. I forgot I had school today.

"I'm getting ready! I'll be down soon!" I yelled back at him. I quickly started getting ready. I found a really cute outfit, and it's not revealing.

I ran downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast off the table

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I ran downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast off the table. I sat on the couch and turned on the t.v. My brother walked into the room and looked a me.

"Yuki-chan, you look so cute!!!" he hugged me. It's was more like squeezing me to death than a hug.

"Let go of me. I can't breathe." I choked on my toast and he let go. I shot a glare at him and he shook in fear.

"Oh yeah. You forgot to take your medication." he handed me my bottle of my anti-depressant meds.

"Why do I have to take these? They don't even work. I'm pretty sure they are making my depression worse." I looked at the bottle and cringed. He took the bottle. I looked back at the t.v., and was about to take another bite of my toast before he shoved was of the pills in my mouth. Out of shock, I swallowed it.

"Damn you!" I yelled throwing my shoe at him. He laughed and threw my shoe back at me. He can be such a jerk sometimes.

"You have to take your medicine. Your gonna be late to school! Go child! Go!" he pushed me out the door. I started walking to school because it wasn't that far away from the house. I hate going to new schools because everyone looks at me weirdly. I was about to walk into the building, but someone ran into me, knock us both over.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking. Are you okay?" a boy said helping me up. He had dark brown hair and green eyes.

"I'm fine. I need to go." I said letting go of his hand. He stared at me as I walked into the building. I checked in a the office and headed to my first class. I sat in the back since I don't like the feeling of someone staring at me. The bell rang and everyone sat down. The boy that ran into me came in late. He saw me and walked over to me.

"Can I sit here?" he whispered pointing to the seat next to me. I nodded and he sat down. The teacher looked around. She sighed.

"Weren't all of you in my class last year?" she asked. The class laughed and nodded their heads. She looked at me and smiled.

"Though I do see one new face. Please introduce yourself." she said motioning me to stand up. My face went red. I hate this. I want to go home.

"My name is Yukina Tsukami." I said looking down to hide my face. A kid in the corner giggled. This is embarrassing.

"Where did you move here from?" she tilted her head. Now everyone's eyes were on me. Shit, my heart is beating faster.

"I moved here from Tokyo, Japan miss." everyone's eyes widened. The teacher smiled and said to sit down. My heart calmed down a bit. Thirty minutes passed by.

"You guys can use this time to socialize." Ms.Nina said. I felt someone poke my left shoulder. I looked over and saw the boy from earlier.

"My name is Connor. Do you want to be my friend? I don't really have any. People think I'm a little weird. You probably have more friends than I do because your pretty and yeah." his face went red when he called me pretty.

"I actually don't have any friends. They think I'm messed up because I don't smile. Sure, I'll be your friend, but don't expect to be like other people." his face lit up and hugged me. My eyes widened. My chest feels weird. What is this warmth?

After that we went through all of our classes. Lunch was nice. Connor talked about the stuff he liked and other stuff. School finally ended. I started to get my backpack before some one slammed my locker shut and pushed me down. I look up to see a girl wearing a bunch of makeup.

"Wow, you really are pathetic." she snarled. God, she sounds like pig. Maybe she's wearing a lot of makeup because she might look like a pig. Fuck, she's glaring at me. She needs to stop it makes her face look even worse than it did before.

"Can you stop looking at me. Jeez, it hurts to look at you because how ugly you look, but I think your personality is a hundred times worse that your face." I stare at her not showing any emotion. She shook in anger.

"You take that back you bitch!" she squealed. She picked me up by my neck. Jesus, she strong for a twig. (An: Sorry if your small or thin. I think you are all wonderful people. I don't mean it as an insult to all people, just the bitch that's harming Yukina.)

"What if I don't want to." looking her strait in the eye because she's so ugly. She slammed me into my locker. My air was knocked out of me because of the impact. She laughed and walked away, leaving me motionless on the floor. I passed out a few seconds later.

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