Chapter 1

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"Who do you think got chosen?"

you wondered the same thing

"I hope I didn't" 

you hoped so too

"I know I didn't. I'm too valuable to be killed"

you rolled your eyes at that

"I kinda wanna get picked. You get to kill zombies. How cool is that?"

you mentally facepalmed

"You're an idiot"

you agreed with that statement

The anual Choosing was this Friday. Everywhere you went, the topic of conversation was the Choosing. You shuttered at the thought. You were 16. You hadn't been picked the last two years, and you were thankful. Last year, your friend was chosen. You remember sobbing and screaming. You volunteered to take his place, but they refused. Since that day, you didn't make many friends. You ignored everyone's attempts at befriending you, in fear of losing them. You had your small group of friends whom you've known since elementary. You were thankful they hadn't been chosen. You didn't know if you could handle that pain again.

You looked up at your friends and decided to join in on the conversation. "Well I think everyone should come up with a plan. Just in case you get chosen, you're prepared" you said to the group. Their attention turned to you. "That's actually a good idea. Do you have a plan?" your friend Alicia asked. You nodded your head. "I even learned Korean. What if you run into survivors who didn't get picked up?" you questioned. Most of your friends nodded their heads. The others thought you were crazy for doing so. "That's stupid. How could they possibly survive that long?" your friend Ian asked. You shrugged. "You never know. I'm just saying" you said. The bell rang and you grabbed your things. You walked to your next class.

"Hello class. Now I know everybody's talking about the Choosing, but we mustn't let it get in the way of our learning" your science teacher said. "Oh my apologies. My education is much more important than my own life. How will I ever get into a college in the afterlife if I dont pay attention in class?" you asked sarcastically. In all honesty, you were terrified but you didn't let it show. Instead you acted prepared in case you were chosen and you always tried to lighten up the situation. "Miss L/n, that is not appropriate to say in such times" your teacher told you. You nodded your head. "Neither is forcing us to learn about pointless lessons from the book written in 2000. Honestly if you want us to pay attention, teach us about the chemicals that caused this whole mess" you said. Your teacher was taken aback. You were as well. You didn't know where all this confidence and rebellion came from.

Your teacher sighed and pulled another book from inside her desk. "All the chemicals used are still unknown. Some chemicals used created other entirely new and separate chemicals that caused the people who inhaled them, to become those mutants" your teacher said. Suddenly the whole class was paying attention. You grabbed your notebook and began to take note of what the teacher was saying. "Some chemicals used were hydroflorite and myxenol. Now those chemicals by themselves are completely harmless. But when combined and tampered with, they can become deadly. The other chemicals used are still a mystery. Scientists and researchers have been unable to thoroughly search the area due to the mutants in the vicinity. The information that we currently have is due to past survivors" the teacher went on. You were writing all of this down. Science itself didn't particularly fascinate you but this did.

For the past two years, you would always do research. If you weren't chosen, you would give your research to someone who was. Your friends thought it was stupid while your parents encouraged you to do it.

After about 30 minutes, the bell rang indicating class was over. You grabbed your things and walked over to your teacher. "Sorry for being rude during class. I just want to learn more about this whole thing incase I get chosen" you told your teacher. She smiled and nodded her head. "It's ok. I get that you're worried. You're a smart girl for doing research" your teacher said with a sympathetic smile. You gave her a small smile and you went on to your next class.

You walked into your history class and smiled. You sat in your usual seat; in the back corner next to the window. Your teacher walked in and stood in front of the class with a smile. "Class, today we're going to look at photos from Seoul" your teacher said. You sat up in your seat, interested. You had seen some photos of Seoul and the pictures made your heart hurt. It used to look so beautiful until the outbreak. Your teacher walked over to the board and clicked on the pictures. They expanded and you admired how beautiful Seoul looked. It was a combination of modern and traditional. Up until 2118 when the outbreak occurred, the traditional buildings stood tall. You smiled. The teacher took the pictures away and put pictures up from current times. You grimaced and looked at how different it looked. The sky was gray, there was smoke everywhere and there were destroyed cars and buildings everywhere. Most cars were upside down, on their side, crashed into something or just plain smashed. Trees and lights were fallen over everywhere and building windows were smashed.

You gasped as you saw the once beautiful traditional buildings. They once stood proud and tall. Now they were crumbling. You looked out of the window and sighed. You went through your notes as you waited for the bell to ring. You tapped your foot and partially listened to the teacher.

The last bell of the day rang and you smiled. You grabbed your things and made your way out of the school building. You waved bye to your friends as you started walking home. You listened to music as you walked. You were lost in thought. You were thinking about who could possibly be chosen. You worried that you would be chosen. You feared having to go out in the open with only the weapons provided and limited supplies. You feared going out without any friends to back you up. Sure you rode a bus with the people chosen to get to the capitol but they weren't necessarily going to team up with you. You shook your head, snapping out of your thoughts. You arrived to your house and scanned your hand. You waited for the computer to recognize you. When it did, the green light appeared on the doorknob of your front door You opened it and stepped inside.

"Hi mom! I'm home!" you called out to your mother. "Hi sweetie. How was school?" she asked you. "It was ok I guess. We didn't do much work. Everybody was talking about the Choosing" you told her. She frowned. "Well, did you get any new information to add to your research notes?" she asked. You nodded your head and pulled your notebook out of your backpack. "I may or may not have talked back to the teacher to get this information" you told her. She gave you a look before you added, "Hey! It was for the sake of knowledge!" She shook her head and you laughed before you went over to your room. Your dog Cookie was sleeping on your bed. You smiled and walked over to your desk. You sat down and put your notebook next to you. You turned your computer on and decided to do some further investigating. You searched up the chemicals your science teacher told you about and wrote down the additional information you found on the internet.

You spent about 2 hours researching before your stomach growled. You got up and went into the kitchen. You made yourself some food and sat down in the living room. You turned the TV on and watched some TV to help yourself relax. Your mom walked in and sat down next to you. "I wonder how many people survived" your mom said. You nodded your head. You wondered the same thing. "Hopefully it's more than last year. Only 2 people. That's so sad" you said. Your mom nodded her head in agreement. "What if Lucas survived?" you asked hopeful. Your mom smiled. "I really hope he did. He was such a nice kid" your mom said. You grabbed onto the necklace you were wearing. He gave it to you when you turned 14. "This is your good luck charm so you won't get chosen. And if you do, you'll survive" you remember him telling you those exact words. You smiled and you could feel the tears threatening to fall. You shook your head and wiped your tears away. "Sweetie don't cry. He's a smart boy. I'm sure he survived" she told you. You nodded your head. "We'll just have to wait and see"

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