Chapter 10

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You arrived to the once bustling shopping center. "This place used to be so full of life" you said. The guys nodded and you started walking forward. "Be extra careful here. Who knows how many mutants could be here" Jisung said. You nodded and decided to grab a bat since you'd most likely be in close combat. You entered what looked like an old restaurant and you looked around. You checked every corner possible and sighed as you realized it was clear. You all had decided to split up since every shop was close together. You exited the old restaurant and entered the store next door. You examined all the little knick-knacks that lay scattered everywhere. You checked behind the register and gasped. There was a dead body with blood everywhere. You jumped as you heard a distant gunshot. Guess one of the guys found a mutant.

You checked the shop and left once you were sure it was clear. You walked down the street and went around a corner. You heard running footsteps and turned around. You saw a mutant running towards you. You quickly got your bat ready and swung once it was within your range. You heard more footsteps and looked up. A horde of mutants was running towards you. "Holy shit!" you screamed as you started running. You sprinted as fast as your body would let you. You turned your head around and they were right behind you. You screamed and pushed yourself to run even faster. You could feel your legs giving out but you pulled through. You turned a corner and they followed. "Oh fuck off!" you yelled. You kept running until you felt a hand grab you and pull you inside a building. You screamed and tried breaking free until a hand covered your mouth. You heard a male's voice whisper in your ear, "Shh. Calm down. I won't hurt you" you stopped struggling and he removed his hand. You turned and looked at the person who saved you.

Woah he's hot you thought. "Are you ok?" he asked that familiar question. You nodded. "T-thank you so much" you said. He smiled and you thought you would melt. "No problem" You took a deep breath. "What's your name?" he asked you. "Y/n. Yours?" you asked back. "Jaemin" You smiled. "Nice to meet you Jaemin. Well, I should probably head back to my friends" you said as you reached for the door's handle. "Woah wait. I'll go with you. If those mutants find you again, you can't fight them alone" you smiled. "Thanks. Let's go. They're not far from here" you said. You opened the door and poked your head out. You checked your left and your right. "Alright. Let's go" you said to the boy behind you. You two slowly exited the building and you led him back to where you last saw your friends. You could hear your name being called out by the guys. "Shut up idiots!" you yelled out. The calling stopped and you laughed. You quickly found your friends and they bombarded you with questions.

"Y/n where were you?"

"We were worried!"

"Did you call us idiots?"

You laughed and answered their questions. "Guys, I'm fine. I went a couple buildings that way and got chased by some stupid mutants. But, this boy right here saved me" you said pointing to Jaemin. The boys had been so caught up in worrying about you, that they didn't even notice the new person. "Who's he?" Mark asked. "Na Jaemin" he stated proudly. "Jaemin that's Mark, Chenle, and Jisung" you introduced your group. They all gave a little wave and you asked, "Wanna keep looking around here? Or should we go somewhere else?"

"We could go through the shops for some supplies. The government gave us enough to barely last 2 weeks" Chenle said. You nodded and walked off into a shop. "Y/n stop walking off! You always get into trouble when you do" Mark scolded. "Calm down. I'm close by" you said. You walked into a little shop and went through the items that hadn't been broken.

"Hey I found some chocolate!" Jisung exclaimed happily. You smiled and rolled your eyes. You continued searching for some food or medicine. "Oh! I found some pepero!" you exclaimed happily. "I heard these were really good" you added on. You quickly shoved them in your backpack and continued searching.

"I found chapstick" Mark called out. You rushed over and grabbed it. "You won't need this. Who's touching your lips?" you teased him. "Hey! I always have soft lips. I was gonna give this to you for your crusty ass lips" Mark teased back. You dramatically grabbed your heart. "Ouch. My lips are always soft. Ask Jisung" you said. You turned to Jisung. "Weren't my lips soft?" you asked. His face reddened and he covered his face. You laughed. "Cute" you said quietly.

You continued searching, but didn't find anything else. You shook your head. "Nothing more over here. What about you guys?" you asked the rest. "Nope. All cleaned out" Chenle said. Jaemin shook his head. "I still have some stuff over here" Jisung said. You walked over and looked. "Hmm. You could take the gum. Might come in handy later" you said. You grabbed it and put it in your backpack. "Oh that reminds me. Is there any toothpaste? Mine's running out. The government gave some crappy tiny tubes" you said. Mark nodded. "I found some" You smiled and nodded your head. "Alright. We good here?" you asked. The guys nodded and you thought about where you should stay the night.

"Where should we sleep tonight?" you asked. "It should be somewhere high up. We could go back up to the tower" Chenle said. You shook your head. I do not want to have to go on that cable car again" you said quietly. "We could find an office building. We could go to the highest floor" Jaemin suggested. You nodded your head. "That sounds good" Jisung said. You grabbed your bat off the floor and turned to the boys. "Alright. Let's go" You exited the shop and looked around. You continued walking and the boys followed.

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