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I was surprised ...................................


Then that person said
"You love him don't you"

I looked at the person and it's
"Oppa what are you doing here ?"
"I am your brother y/n and I am a vampire too so I know where you go so tell me and you didn't answer my question "

"Who are you talking about oppa "I said and laughed nervously
"You know exactly who I am talking about now tell me do you love him Park y/n ?"

I can tell he is serious because he almost never call me by my full name .

"I-i don't know"
"So you do love him "
"But oppa even if I love him he won't have any feeling towards me ,he is a playboy remember "
"No y/n there is a reason he became like this "
"What is it ?"
"Almost 2 years back there was a girl Areum , Lee Areum . She used to study in our school . At that time Jungkook wasn't a playboy , he was just our innocent maknae . He then started to develop feelings for areum . They then started dating each other . Jungkook loved her very much ,but none of us liked her . Then one day she started ignoring Jungkook and the next thing we here is that she went to America . Not even one word to us or Jungkook . After she left Jungkook was broken . He didn't eat ,he locked himself up in his room for days . Then one day he came out as a different person . The sweet lovely Jungkook was gone and he became playboy . No girl he ever dated has been able to make him smile . Every time he gave a smile it would be fake . We tried convincing him. But he didn't budge . That's how he became what he is now ."

After I heard the whole story I felt sorry for him . I don't know if I love him , I am not sure but there is something really special about him that I love . Me and oppa then went back to the others .
"What took you so long ?" Jin oppa asked
"Um we had to finish some work " Jimin oppa said
"Ah ok" hobi oppa said
We then went out of the restaurant . Tzuyu was clinging onto Jungkook like there is no tomorrow . I mean I feel kinda jealous .
"Thank you so much for the treat y/n -ah " Namjoon oppa said
"You are welcome "
We then said bye to each other and parted ways . Me and Jimin oppa went back home . I changed my dress removed my makeup and changed into my PJ's .

I then went down and saw Jimin oppa laying on the couch

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I then went down and saw Jimin oppa laying on the couch . I then went and plopped myself right on top of him . The others still haven't returned . Oppa started stroking my hair
"Oppa want do you mean by love ?"
"Love ?......... Love is when then other person means the whole world to you . When you see the person sometimes you may feel jealous . But it is all part of love . You want to hold than person tight and don't let go . That is when you love someone "
"You love me right oppa ?"
"Yes sis you mean the whole world to me . When I see you getting hurt my heart shattered into pieces . You are my precious little sister , my only family I will always love and protect you y/n-ah " that's the last thing I heard before I dozed off .



I woke up and realized I am back in my bed . Jimin oppa must have brought me back  . I went to the washroom and changed into this .

Since we don't have school today I decided to go and train

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Since we don't have school today I decided to go and train . I went to my gym/training center and began my work out . After doing my workouts I took my gun and went to the shooting center . I began shooting and did that for sometime . After that I went back to my room took a bath and changed my clothes.

 After that I went back to my room took a bath and changed my clothes

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I then went down to have breakfast

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I then went down to have breakfast .
I saw the gang except jimin oppa sitting on the dining table .I went and joined them .
"Morning guys"
"Morning rose "
I saw Jimin oppa making breakfast . I went to him and back hugged him .
"Morning oppa " I said and kissed his cheeks
"Morning baby sis " he said and brought the food to the table . We then started eating .
"How was the dinner rose ?" Lexi asked
"It was great except the fact that Jungkook and that b*tch was there "
"And you didn't kick her out ?" Nikki asked surprised
"Um no I didn't wanna be the bad guy there so " while we were laughing and eating , suddenly the doorbell rang .
"I'll get it" I said and went to get the door .
No way it was...........................

Annyeonghaseyo author-nim imnida. Hahaha cliffhanger . Who do you think is at the door ? I'll update the next chapter soon . Bye 😍

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