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IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS ???????.......................


There's no way in the hell I am marrying him . THAT'S A BIG NO. Why the hell does it have to be me . Why God ? Just why should I be the only one to be suffering .I looked at Jimin oppa and he looks just as shocked as me ....


I have been told by that dad that I have to marry a person . Other wise I cannot be the CEO of the company ....................

A few hours earlier still Jungkook's pov

I just got home from hanging out with Tzuyu . She can be a pain in the ass but still . My dad said that he wanted to talk to me . I wonder what it is . I went to his office and knocked .

"Come in "
"Dad why did you want to see me "
"Sit down kook I want to talk to you ". I sat on the chair .
"Yes so what do you want to talk about ?"
"You're getting married "
"Oh okay is that i- WAIT WHAT ?" Marriage marriage that word was repeating in my mind .

"Yes son "
"Wait no I am not getting married I want to marry a woman of my choice and there's no way I am agreeing for this "
"Son you have no choice either you marry or forget about that CEO position. "My dad said dead serious .

 I started panicking what should I do . I think I can marry the person and I'll get the CEO position and then divorce . That'll be better than losing the position forever . I took a deep breath and said

"Okay I -i agree to this "
"That's my son, the girl still hasn't agreed but if she does she'll be coming over tonight for dinner . And don't you dare hurt the girl she is very precious to us" I gulped at my dad and nodded my head . I hope it'll be one of those stupid girls whom I can play with .

Back to the present .....
So there are many cars entering the gate . They must be quite rich like us . I then the the cars parked in front of us and many bodyguards get down . Then an man in this 40's gets out of one car . Then from a Ferrari a guy gets down . I cannot see his face . Then he comes and helps a girl out of the car . I look at the girl wow she looks beautiful . She had pink locks beautifully combed just like the other man . And wow she was beautiful but I still didn't get to see their face . They then came closer and wait they look familiar . Oh no is that Y/N AND JIMIN HYUNG?? . There's no way in hell I am marrying her . She looks at me and she is shocked as much as I am .


..........uncle Lee went to the couple .
"Hello Lee long time no see" Mr Jeon says
"Yeah how are you ?"
"We are fine thank you and we have a lot of catching up to do . And is this beautiful girl y/n and this very handsome boy Jimin ? " Mrs Jeon asked
"Yes "uncle said
"Oh my god , it been so long dears you might not remember us but we remember you very well " she said and hugged us tightly ,Mr Jeon also came and patted our heads .
"We lost you once we will not lose you again ,how are you y/n-ah ?"he asked me 

"Fine thank you sir "
"Oh my dear no formal you call us eomma and Appa okay?" Mrs Jeon said
"Okay "I said
"And this is our son Jungkook" she said
I looked at him and both of us had the same expression and the only word that came out of both of our mouths was ......

"YOU ????!!!!" We both said together
"Wait you guys know each other ?" Appaasked
"Um ......yes we both study in the same class and Jiminie hyung is one of my best friends "
"Oh well then that's great come on let's go inside " eomma said smiling widely ,she showed us the way inside . 

The house was very big there were a lot of maids and butlers running around and they led us to the dining room . Everyone else was talking while me and Jungkook were shooting each other death glares . I looked at Jimin oppa and I felt that he was asking me if I was okay . I nodded at him . We sat down and ate dinner . Just then eomma spoke up .

"If both of you want to talk you can go out to the garden "
"Okay" Jungkook said ,grabbed my wrist and dragged me out . He pulled me into the garden and left my wrist .
"What do you think you are doing ?"I said angry
"Look I don't even like you I am just doing this for the CEO position so don't you even think of getting into my and Tzuyu's way . " He said
"Yeah same for you I am just doing this for my parents , so if you dare do something to my I will breaker you legs into half and that sl*t Tzuyu if she ever does something to me I will kill her right in front of your eyes ." I said back .
"How dare you call Tzuyu a sl*t , you are the b*tch here . And you killing Tzuyu , you are such a weak and stupid girl I bet you cannot even kill a fly " he said and laughed .
"Well well Jeon we'll see who is the weak and stupid one " I said and smirked ...................................

Annyeonghaseyo author-nim imnida. What do you think of this chapter . I'll try to update the next one as soon as possible . Bye 😍

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