The Original Sinner

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"So... you call yourself the black hood?" A man named Mikael asked.
Opposite of him sat a man with piercing green eyes and a mask over his face, who nodded curtly.
"And you're looking for sinners?" Mikael asked the man.
And the black hood nodded again.
An evil smirk appeared on Mikael's face, "Well then... I know of one who has sinned more than anyone... She's killed many and manipulated them into her bidding."
The black hood leaned forward, 'What's her name?"
Mikael's eyes were lit with a fire that was seeking for revenge, "Thyra... Thyra Mikaelson... Give her hell..."


Thyra Mikaelson

"I will rip out your spine and pierce it through your skull

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"I will rip out your spine and pierce it through your skull."

Jughead Jones

"Let's be weirdo's together

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"Let's be weirdo's together."

The Friend group

"They're the first friends I made and I lied to them every single day

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"They're the first friends I made and I lied to them every single day."

The Family

"They're all psychopaths, but they're my family

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"They're all psychopaths, but they're my family."

Sinner // Jughead JonesWhere stories live. Discover now