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Thyra braided her hair and put on one of her vintage dresses, she was taking a risk wearing this to the Southside

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Thyra braided her hair and put on one of her vintage dresses, she was taking a risk wearing this to the Southside. There was a big chance they wouldn't take her seriously now, but she wasn't about to let anyone's stupid opinion decide what she could wear.

'Jane, I will be out for today. Would you be so kind to mind the house and don't forget... No one is to be invited inside under any circumstances.'

Jane nodded, 'Of course, Miss.'

Thyra smiled and waved at her before she closed the door behind her. She arrived at the bar crowded with Serpents, she was planning a party for FP and needed to talk some things through with Toni.

'You have a stage, do you think we could get someone to perform?' Thyra asked.

Toni was washing the dishes, 'Yeah, I don't see why not. It's steady enough. For FP's retirement, right?'

Thyra nodded and bit her lip, 'Actually... That's not the only question I have.'

Toni raised her eyebrow and put a the glass she was drying off on the counter, 'Well, go on.'

Thyra smiled sheepishly, 'Well, I've been wondering. This, here is Jughead's world. The Serpents are practically his family. And I want nothing more then to be accepted by them.'

'So, what, you wanna be a Serpent?' Toni asked, sceptically. Which was exactly what exactly what Thyra predicted this morning, she looked innocent therefore she was. Luckily, Thyra liked to be underestimated. She liked to prove people wrong.

Thyra nodded, 'Yes, a Serpent.'

A woman started laughing in the background, Thyra turned around. Toni didn't seem to like the woman, 'Shut it, Byrdie.'

'Sorry, Sweet Valley High. If you wanna join the club, you gotta do the dance. The Serpent Dance.' Byrdie told Thyra.

Thyra frowned, 'The Serpent Dance?'

Toni was obviously frustrated, 'It's some outdated sexist Serpent tradition. I tried to get it outlawed, but misogyny dies hard. You don't wanna know.'

Byrdie shot them a sickening smile, 'But, of course... A dance like that is crossing a line for your Northside neatness.'

Thyra shot a glance at the dance they were doing, she was pretty sure she and Rebekah had done plenty of those dances to seduce their new meals. She looked at Byrdie, giving her a smile in return. And both Byrdie and Toni noticed the dangerous fire burning in her eyes. 'Believe me, I'd do the stupid dance if it wasn't for the fact that I won't contribute to keep a sexist tradition alive.'

And even though a minute ago Byrdie wouldn't have believed a word of it, she kept her mouth shut. Because the dangerous spark in Thyra's eyes suggested that she was indeed not as innocent as she pretended to be.

Toni smiled, 'I'll see what I can do for you.'

Toni had seen it too and she somehow knew that Thyra was a force to be reckoned with. Thyra was a Serpent. Toni's words satisfied Thyra and she hopped of the barstool, leaving the bar. She had a lot of work to do.


It was the evening of FP's retirement and Thyra was prepared to make a big entrance. She put on a short black dress with high heel boots, a leather jacket and black gloves. Her hair was up in a ponytail, she was rocking it.

Thyra Mikaelson bursted through the doors of the bar, a smile on her face

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Thyra Mikaelson bursted through the doors of the bar, a smile on her face. Everyone looked
around to stare at her. Even Alice Cooper who made an entrance just like hers, about five minutes ago. Betty, Veronica and Archie were stunned. All had known the girl was something more than she'd like people to believe, but the leather and blood red lipstick was new.

Toni smiled in appreciation and Jughead walked up to her. 'You look amazing,' he told her.

Thyra smiled mischievously, 'Well, it was time for a change wasn't it?'

Jughead smiled, 'I don't know, but it suits you.'

Thyra nodded, 'Thank you.'

Jughead frowned, 'You're not doing the dance... are you?'

Thyra let an annoyed sigh escape her lips, 'Of course not! Which is a huge tragedy, by the way. The fact that no one here gets to see me dance, I'm really good. But as I stated before, I will not keep a sexist tradition alive. Maybe when it's outlawed, it's not sexist if the girls want to do it... I hope...'

Jughead chuckled, he was relieved even though he was surprised she was actually willing to do it. He stroked her hair and placed a kiss on her head.

In the meantime Veronica and Archie had gotten on stage, Thyra however couldn't care less.

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