"A Hedgehog Duty! Magic disappearing?? "

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The story begins in a snowing forest where we see a red hedgehog known as Flame the Hedgehog, he was running along with a black hedgehog called Crash the Hedgehog. They were on a mission to take on the Alien Creature once again in another village.

Crash knocked down 4 Alien Creature and throws multiple chaos spears at the 10 Alien Creature before one Alien Creature was about to attack him from behind, Flame tackled through that Alien Creature with a spin dash.

Flame: You can thank me later Crashy!

Crash: Oh shut up Flame, we got a mission to focus on.

Flame: Yeah yeah, gotcha.

Flame then homing attacks at 10 Alien Creature, and fire his heat vision at two Alien Creature's head.

Flame: Piece of cake.

Crash grab one Alien Creature neck, choking it, he sees 50 Alien Creature heading to where Crash is, as he stretches the Alien Creature to a ball. He throws it to the 50 Alien Creature, to which it knocked them away like a bowling ball.

Flame: Yo Crash! More are coming?

Crash looks and sees 50,000 of the Alien Creature are coming to where Flame and Crash is, he smirked.

Crash: Yep, more are coming.

In the carriage, we see Star Butterfly watching Flame and Crash fighting the Alien Creature via her wand, she was wearing Marco's red hoodie which Moon Butterfly, Star's mom, is driving the carriage.

Flame: That's good to hear. *smirk* Let's bust some heads up!

Star: *ends spell* *sigh* Flame.. I am glad your okay, I wish you were here.. I miss you. *sniffs hoodie* Oh, Marco, yuck! When was the last time you washed this thing?!

Moon: *driving the carriage* Star! We need to be quiet! We don't know who might be listening.

Star: *opening carriage door* Sorry Mom. *the door falls off* Sorry.

Moon: It's okay. Can you check on the Commission?

Star: Yeah, they seem... okay.

Omnitraxus Prime, Rhombulus, and Hekapoo have been turned into balloons, and they are being pulled by the carriage. Hekapoo has a bird's nest on top of her.

Star: Still in their stasis. Oh, looks like ol' Hekapoo is gonna be an auntie! So, how exactly are we going to de-balloonify them?

Moon: Once we're at the Sanctuary, the Well of Magic should be able to rejuvenate them.

Star: And Lekmet's gonna meet us there?

Moon: *pauses* Yes, he'll meet us there.

Star: *laughing* Okay, great. So, what's up with that warnicorn?

Moon: What?

The warnicorn stars panting heavily before he vanishes entirely in a puff of smoke. The carriage begins to veer out of control.

Star: Mom! Mom, what is going on?

Back where Flame and Crash were, they have finished beating all of the Alien Creature.

Flame: I think that's all it's left.

Crash: All the trash is down for good, yes.

Flame: The village has been saved once again.

Flame and Crash then leave the island, they were all happy and they can get peace once again. Flame was getting a weird feeling of something but he can't be sure what it is.

Flame the Hedgehog 3: Infinite WarWhere stories live. Discover now