20 | Lindsey

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 Lindsey was waiting outside of the coffeehouse for Roland, unsure of whether or not she should be scared

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Lindsey was waiting outside of the coffeehouse for Roland, unsure of whether or not she should be scared. School that day and the day before had been bizarre, as if she had been catapulted back to her freshman year. Pre-soccer team. Before anyone at Barnum Prep had even known her name, and all they knew was that her older sister had tried and failed to get on the cheer team for the second year in a row.

Victoria trained for the rest of her sophomore year to make that team. It was all she talked about, all she did, and everything she wanted. She made it junior year. Lindsey's sophomore year, the year she made the soccer team. The year that the Marcum sisters had finally started to become something other than their poor family and delinquent older brothers.

But now everything was back where it began. Lindsey was temporarily done with her title as varsity soccer captain, as the boot on her leg reminded her every day. That had been fine for a second, before the night that she had accused her father of murder and been exposed as a liar by Jordan Conrad.

Now, no one looked at her. No one wanted to say hello in the hallway, not one person asked her how her ankle was doing. It was as if Mary Hadden had whisked the entire school away from Lindsey, and all because of one secret.

One secret that Mary Hadden, of all people, should be overjoyed that Lindsey kept to herself. If anyone saw what was inside of the envelope that the unknown texter left for the Marcum girl that night—if Jordan saw what was on the picture inside of the envelope—Mary's reputation would be ruined forever. Her life would be reduced to nothing.

Yet somehow, Lindsey was still the bad guy. She was still the person in the wrong for keeping to herself the fact that Mary Hadden had been cheating on her boyfriend with a dead guy.

Neil Conrad. Jordan's brother.

No wonder Mary had been so incredibly devastated upon finding out about the accident. She was the only one of the five senior siblings who had lost two people in the crash.

"Hey, sorry for keeping you."

Lindsey jumped at the sound of Roland's voice and turned around to see him approaching her from the other side of the street, running through the cars honking at him.

"You're fine." Lindsey shrugged as the two turned to walk into the coffeehouse. "At least you'll actually speak to me."

"So you're getting the silent treatment too?" Roland rolled his eyes as the two found a table in the back corner, away from people and eavesdropping ears. "I have to say, I didn't expect them to ice you out as well."

"Why is this happening?" Lindsey asked, shaking her head, "Monday night everyone was fine and dandy, besides Jordan calling me out in front of everyone."

Roland cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah, what was that about?"

Lindsey narrowed her eyes and shook her head, unwilling to divulge her secret just yet.

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