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Friday turned out even busier than Preston planned. She woke up to the notification that David had followed her public Instagram and so she followed him back. Then the day went by in a rush and she didn't have a spare moment to even think of David.

David's day was similarly busy. Editing took forever because his computer was acting up and Jason came over to record the podcast because they didn't have time the day before. By the time the vlog went up, he knew he'd have plenty of angry comments on the most recent video.

Then it was Saturday, and unfortunately for Preston, that didn't mean a day off, at least on this particular day. She had a few hours in the morning to dedicate to working out, so she called an Uber and went to the local climbing gym. The rest of the day was spent researching areas in Joshua Tree for a shoot coming up in a few weeks.

David's day was spent making plans for his next big prank. He was making lots of phone calls and coordinating with Alex and Brandon. He had lunch plans with Liza, Scotty, and Kristen, after which he went right back into planning mode. David sometimes got obsessive over his pranks, he knew that, but they had to be perfect.

Then it was Sunday and David scrambled to get enough footage to make the Monday vlog. He'd spent so much time on his own planning that he was short at least a minute. He agreed to go on a short hike with Scotty, Toddy, and Link to make up the time.

Preston's Sunday was her first day off and Monday would be back to the grind. She mainly sat in bed editing photos from a previous climbing shoot and sending off proofs to her engaged friends; Preston didn't often shoot for weddings and the like, but she always made an exception for close friends.

While David had been keeping up with Preston's Instagram stories the past few days, Preston hadn't given much thought to David's stories or channel. She hadn't even watched the Friday vlog.

Sunday night around 11 she finally got around to it. But before watching, she started texting David to ask if that was allowed. And then at the last minute she called him instead. She paced around her room as his phone rang. She knew there was no way he was asleep, but she had no idea what he got up to on the weekends. Just before she thought it would go to voicemail, he answered.

"Preston!" he shouted into the phone. She could hear muffled music in the background along with singing and yelling. Preston hadn't taken him for a Sunday night partier, but she didn't really know David.

"David, hi. Quick question and then I'll let you get back to your party," Preston said.

"What? No, not quick. You can take up as much time as you want," David practically yelled. The background noise quieted. He was definitely moving somewhere quieter.

"It really doesn't matter, dude," she tried to convince him. "I, uh, wanted to get your permission to watch Friday's vlog.

"What?" David said. Preston thought he maybe still couldn't hear her very well.

"I want to watch Friday's vlog!" Preston said louder.

"Oh, I heard you," David laughed. "I just think it's funny you called to ask permission." He couldn't stop giggling. Preston wasn't sure if he was drunk or simply high on the possibility of clickbait.

"What can I say, David? I keep my promises," she said while sighing. "Go have fun. I'll talk to you later this week." She hung up before he could reply.

If David had known Preston better, he wouldn't have thought twice about the interaction. Preston liked things direct and to the point. In her hotel room, Preston was getting comfy and pulling up the vlog, not thinking into the call. But David thought he had really fucked up.

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