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"How's the party been?" she asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Good," he shrugged, stealing a quick glance before looking ahead again. "It's a party."

She simply nodded. Preston knew that David generally only tolerated parties, even when he played host.

"How was dinner?" he asked a bit too forced casually.

"Really great. There's some awesome stuff coming out. But you already know how my night went." She smirked at him, glancing his way, watching him not meet her gaze.

"I do?" David said in genuine confusion.

"At least according to my story viewers," she said, her smirk growing bigger as David's face turned a little pink. She could barely tell in the dim light. "Dude, you had this huge party. Why were you on your phone?"

"What, I can't be invested in your work?" David joked, earning a laugh from Preston.

"You can do whatever. I'm just surprised, that's all..." It was quiet for a bit and then Preston turned to face the same direction. As she did, David finally realized her friend wasn't nearby.

"Where's Graham?" David asked, again forcing it to sound too casual.

Preston ignored his tone. "Talking with Zane and Health. They started bonding over Florida. Graham is from there too."

David nodded, and for some reason, against his better judgment, he kept talking. "You guys are pretty close."

"Yeah, of course. We don't just work together," Preston said as she slowly began to put together the pieces. It was almost as if David were jealous... But why would he be acting jealous? Especially of Graham. It's not like he's interested or ever would be, Preston thought to herself. "He was really helpful after Blake and I split."

"Hmm," was all David said.

"He and Cam would have me over all the time. And now it's wild to think they're getting married this year." And suddenly David relaxed.

"Oh, he's getting married?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Yep. You've seen the announcement. It's been on my table since I moved here." Preston was confused because David had commented on it before.

His brow furrowed. "Wait, that's Graham?"

"And Cam, yeah," Preston said, stating the obvious.

And now David really relaxed. He had seen the invite and photo but apparently never looked at the names too closely. If he had, he would have known a long time ago that Graham was gay.

"Good for them," was all David could think to say, relieved but scared to show it.

Preston looked at him weird but didn't want to press the issue at the moment, not at David's own party. She was barely ready to confront her own growing feelings for David, particularly because that also meant confronting her actions when they had met. She certainly wasn't ready to question him about any potential feelings he might harbor.

Both of them felt it easier to go on denying and pretending and simply enjoying each other's company as friends.

They stood outside talking for a while and were finally interrupted by Graham himself. Though no longer holding any misguided ill feelings toward Graham, David suddenly noticed Heath on the pool table and ran inside.

"You two looked cozy," Graham said as he moved next to the fence, taking David's place.

Preston rolled her eyes. "Just as cozy as you looked with Zane and Heath."

Graham grinned widely and half-whispered, "Don't tell Cam." Preston motioned like she was sealing her lips. "But really. You guys are cute together. I haven't seen you that comfortable in a long time."

Preston could only nod. He wasn't wrong.

"Anyway, I came over to tell you that I'm ready to head out. Are you okay to leave?"

"Oh totally. I've done my due diligence." Preston started leading the way in. Graham followed.

"You sure? I mean, I'm sure David would let you stay over," he spoke loudly as they entered from the patio and added in an exaggerated wink. Graham knew of Preston's sleepover history at David's house.

"You're losing weekend story privileges if you keep this up," Preston threatened. "I need to say bye to David and then we can head."

She found him standing by the refrigerator. His face lit up when he noticed her. It had somehow gotten louder in the house, so she came up extra close.

"We're heading out," Preston said into his ear, her arm on his shoulder to pull him closer. He mirrored the movement on the other side.

"You sure? You know you're welcome to stay over."

Damn you, Graham, Preston thought to herself.

She moved away smiling while shaking her head. "I'll call you tomorrow," Preston said and pulled him into a hug.

"Congratulations on 10 million, Dobrik," she whispered into his ear. "I'm proud of you."

David held her tighter, not able to say anything lest he blurt out the feelings he so vehemently denied to others and even himself at times.

Preston broke the hug, still smiling at him. He squeezed her hand quickly as she walked away. Graham was standing by the island, watching the whole interaction. He didn't say anything as she led the way out the door. But Preston knew he had something.

Once outside, Graham couldn't contain himself. "He wants you, Preston. Bad. That hand squeeze? I swooned. All he can see is you. Was I right? Did he ask you to sleep over?"

Preston refused to give Graham the satisfaction, saying nothing as she got in his car.

"Your silence speaks volumes," Graham cackled. "But really. I'm glad you made such a great friend. Boyfriends are overrated. Friends are forever."

Preston nodded, thinking about how long her "forever" with David would last. If Graham was right, and he was, David would make a move eventually. So how would Preston preserve the relationship while telling him the truth?

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