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It was now 11:30 pm and the boys were around the table sitting on the couches.

"It's time now, huh?" Lucas asked

"..Do we really have to do this?" Jeno asked

"Come on, lighten up. It seems like a pretty fun game, I doubt it's real anyways." Haechan responded.

Everyone thought about that and a smiled plastered throughout their faces and the room erupted with laughter.

"Oh my god how could we be so ridiculous, of course this is fake." Jaehyun laughed.

"So we're still playing?" Johnny asked

"Haha yeah let's play this bullshit game and get it over with." Renjun said shifting from the couch to the kitchen.

"We need something to prick our fingers right?" he continued.

"Woah woah woah woah! What the hell are you doing?!" Taeyong screamed

"Getting something to prick our fingers, duh?" Renjun replied picking up a knife

"Okay calm down, a knife isn't necessary, we have NEEDLES that will be HARMLESS." Johnny tried saying calmly

"Oh ok." Renjun said and put the knife back

"Crazy bastard" Taeyong muttered

Johnny told everyone he would be back and he went upstairs and like 2 minutes later he came back down with paper, pens, a container of needles, and wipes.

"Alright so everyone start writing your whole name on a paper, 1 for each person. Then just prick your finger with a needle, I don't have enough for everyone individually so just wipe it after someone uses it I guess."

"Yeah definitely because I don't want Taeil's AID's" Yuta joked.

"Well too late for that, since you're always hugging up on WinWin and he got them from me" Taeil smirked

"You cheating bastard!" Yuta yelled at WinWin fake crying

"Alright ladies break it up and get a move on" Johnny sighed

Right after Johnny said that WinWin, Yuta, and Taeil started laughing.

Eventually everyone had their name written on the paper and were now just waiting to prick their fingers.

"Well.. who's gonna go first?" Kun asked

"I'll go." Jungwoo said with a frustrated sigh

He picked up the needle and jabbed it into the tip of his finger and winced at the small pain. He squeezed a drop of blood out from his finger and it landed right next to his name on the paper.

"Okay, is it me or does that paper actually look terrifying as fuck?" Mark asked

Quickly after Jungwoo, everybody one by one started pricking their fingers, hell it was starting to like some kind of satanic meeting.

Soon after Johnny left and came back into the room with bandaids for everybody's fingers. On top of that he came back with 7 salt shakers.

"Ok before we continue I also don't have enough salt shakers for us all, so we have to pair up or something." Johnny said

"O-Okay.. but why do we need salt shakers?" Haechan asked

"Oh right I forgot to mention, when playing if the Midnight Man is around you there will be a sudden temperature drop, you'll hear whispering, or your candle can go out. If your candle goes out you have to light it in no more than 10 secs to be safe, but if that doesn't work then you surround yourself in a circle of salt and you can't leave the circle until the game ends" Johnny said

"WHAT THE HELL! How could you forget to tell us that!?" Taeyong yelled

"Yeah my bad" Johnny said nonchalantly

"Ok anything ELSE you forgot to tell us?" Jaemin asked

"Oh yeah, if the Midnight Man gets you he will either rip your organs out one by one or he will put you in a hallucination of your worst nightmare until the game is over. Also don't provoke that fool, and don't use any sort of light. That means phone lights, flashlights, or even just turning on the lights."

"And when is the game supposed to end?" Chenle asked

"3:33 am on the dot"

"Pff yeah ok, we can do that, because the Midnight Man will definitely rip our organs out." Renjun said sarcastically.

"Something else to keep in mind, apparently in case of an emergency everyone blows out their candles and turns on the lights. And even if anything happens we are to not leave the house in any case until after the game is over or it ends bad." Jungwoo said quietly

"Alright everyone we know the safe stuff now, all we have to do is keep matches and salt with our groups and we'll be good."

Everyone started forming smaller groups amongst themselves getting ready.

Group 1 had Johnny, Lucas, and Jungwoo

Group 2 had Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun

Group 3 had Jaehyun and Taeyong

Group 4 had Mark and Haechan

Group 5 had Kun, Jisung, and Chenle

Group 6 had Ten and Doyoung

And finally, Group 7 had Taeil, WinWin, and Yuta

"Mmkay perfect. Seven salt shakers and seven groups. Everyone got their matches?" Johnny asked.

With an unsynchronized 'yes' everyone in their groups started walking towards the wooden door they would use.

The time was 11:56 pm and they started lighting each of their candles and putting it on top of their bloody pieces of paper.

It was now 11:59 pm and they started knocking on the door together at the same time. They timed it perfectly with their last knock landing on the strike of midnight. They opened the door and each blew out their candles and quickly relit them and WinWin closed the door again.

"So it begins.." Lucas said

"Ok everyone get in your groups and good luck I guess." Johnny said

"W-Wait.." a voice which sounded like Jisung was heard

"Yeah, what is it?" Johnny asked

"So is this like Hide and Go Seek? But like one sided?" Jisung said trying not to stammer

"Sure, you could say that. Just don't stay in the same spot for too long or he'll find you, keep moving around." Johnny said as he began to move with his group.

"O-Okay" and Jisung left with his group too.

The seven groups wandered through Johnny's house in the dark quietly, not daring to speak.

This game isn't supposed to be real so why are they scared? They're acting like fools.

Everything was going as decent as it could considering the circumstances until they heard a loud bang coming from the kitchen.

As they heard the sound they also heard a scream and went running towards the kitchen wondering what it could be.

NCT Horror AU Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang