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Lucas was freaking out trying to figure out who his missing friend was until he decided to breathe and try his best to relax for a second.

After thinking and pulling his act together he counted through again noticing they were missing Jaemin.

"Jaemin is missing.." he tried to say as coolly as possible but struggled since they started freaking out immediately

"WHERE DID HE GO??" Chenle yelled on the verge of tears

"I don't know but I'm going to find him.. who can lead while I'm gone for a sec?" Lucas asked pretending to be brave, key word: pretending. He was scared as fuck honestly.

Nobody answered back but instead stared at each other as beads of sweat rolled down their foreheads.

"Ugh fine.. Mark you're in charge." Lucas said as he started to walk away

"What? No fucking way! I can't even protect myself right now! What makes you think I can protect all 4 of us?!" Mark refused

"Dude man the fuck up our lives our at stake!" Lucas hissed back

"Tch, fine I'll do it.."

Lucas looked over to where the voice was coming from

"Jisung... are you sure about this?" Lucas asked with concern showing on his face

"Ya.. kinda sorta.." he murmured

"Alright well I'm going off to look for Jaemin, stay safe, okay? If you see anything weird get the hell out of there."

Everyone nodded as they saw Lucas run off to find Jaemin

He back tracked as he checked the second living room first then the first living room second, he didn't see or hear anybody so he checked some of the guest rooms, to his shitty luck he didn't see anything.

Lucas sighed nervously as he was about to head up the stairs until a sudden noise caught his attention.

He heard a very horrifying deep sounding laughter coming from the direction of the bathroom he instructed everyone to stay away from.

"..Renjun..?.." was his first thought as he sprinted towards the bathroom not being prepared at all for what he was about to see

The sight alone was enough to frighten him for the rest of his life which is surprising for he has seen the worst of things.

What he saw was what was supposed to be Jaemin but something was off, really off.

Jaemin was just sitting there on his knees laughing maniacally even though nothing appeared to be funny and what were supposed to be just his normal pretty eyes were replaced with just black lights that was enough to scare satan himself. Not only that he was surrounded by an oddly big shadow and even worse his hand was on the bathroom's handle threatening to open it.

"JAEMIN WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Lucas shouting but earning the attention from nobody.

He took a step closer even though he didn't want to

"D-Didn't you hear me? What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Lucas repeated with chills running down his spine

All the sitting boy did was snap his head to look at the older as he began laughing even harder with the shadow surrounding him growing bigger.

Lucas didn't know what to do until he saw Jaemin's hand now turning the handle to the bathroom and Lucas quickly tackled him to get him to stop.

Jaemin fought back aggressively forcing Lucas to pin him to the floor.

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