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The large house stared at Jungkook as he checked that the directions on his phone's map was the correct address he had saved from the real estate website.

However, the pictures on the website didn't do the house any justice. It was two-storeys and featured a spacious front yard that was well kept. It looked like an old and traditional house in the front however what Jungkook failed to notice was that the house was extended to feature a modern two storey building in the back. Jungkook thought the back of the house belonged to the neighbours behind the traditional looking front. He also thought the past owners renovated the inside of the traditional house to look more modern and that it was larger inside.

There is no way that this huge place is only 300,000 won per month. Unless someone was murdered here or this is a hiding place for criminals. Thoughts of possible events that could've happened flashed through Jungkook's mind which made him decide that it was best if he turned around and looked for another house in the area. He thought that his safety was more important than being able to afford a house without eating ramen for three meals a day.

Unfortunately, before Jungkook was about to walk back to his motel, a car pulled up in front of the house. Out stepped a tall man with styled blond hair and a perfectly tailored suit. Jungkook recognised him as the real estate agent that was leasing the house, Kim Namjoon.

"Hi, sorry I'm late. I have a bit more paperwork and rules to discuss before I hand over the keys to you."

"On second thought, I think it might be best if I look for another house in this area before renting this one."

"Are you sure? I think you should have a look inside first. It's a beautiful house in a great location." Jungkook noticed that Namjoon looked slightly nervous and it seemed like he really wanted to sell the house.

"I'm just wary about how cheap it is...Especially since it's so nice."

"Don't worry, this isn't a centre for criminals or the mafia," Namjoon assured, "however the affordable price is because we've been trying to sell it for about 20 years...."


"It's supposedly haunted. It's an old legend and I don't believe in it but the locals are too afraid to buy the house and this area isn't really well known. But don't let that discourage you." Namjoon began to walk towards the entrance while Jungkook trailed behind him.

"This house is located near shops and public transport. It features spacious yards and a new and modern space was recently added. The front area has one bedroom, a living area, bathroom and kitchen. The back area includes three bedrooms, an ensuite in the main bedroom, a larger kitchen, a spare room you could use as a study, a living room and a bathroom. Both areas are connected by a courtyard.

I'll let you explore the house before we get to the paperwork. I hope you do rent this house. It's a great price for its location and features. Additionally, it's an affordable price for students such as yourself."

Jungkook split off from Namjoon and began looking around the house. It truly was a beautiful property, the traditional aesthetic of the house reminded Jungkook of the dramas he watched and made him feel like a prince or rich landlord. The space at the back was spacious and included facilities such as an air conditioner in all the rooms, toilets with the control panel, etc.

While Jungkook was walking around the house, he weighed the pros and cons of living at the house. On one hand, it was cheap and affordable; large and had many rooms that family or friends could use whilst visiting; it was close to public transport, the shops and his university. On the other hand, someone might've died in the house or it was haunted.

After a while of observing the property and arguing with himself, Jungkook returned to the kitchen where Namjoon was situated.

"I think I'll take it."

"Great, I just need you to fill out this form..."

Jungkook decided that if he was going to get murdered or be possessed, he might as well die in a nice and grand estate plus Jungkook has always liked horror movies. How bad could this place be?

hi, long time no see. i decided to rewrite this story because i wasn't too happy and almost died because it was so cringey so i hope you enjoy it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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