T e a s e r

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"Im gonna need your report from yesterday Dolan ." Mr. Preston asked impatiently

"Of course sir I have it right now anyway. " I said

"Great what did you think about Linory's, did the food taste good?"

"Why don't you look at the report." I teased him

"Isn't that why I hired you so you could tell me?" Mr.Preston said glancing down at the report I wrote today

"Not exactly, but yea it was pretty good if your asking since im pretty sure you wanna go." I told Mr. Preston

"like I said that's your job to tell me before I waste money on a bad place, help your boss out! " he basically begged me

"haha well im off I have a dog to attend to at home see you tomorrow" I said to him

"Alright Dolan oh you also have a new restaurant tomorrow so look forward to it, see you tomorrow" Mr. Preston said

I walked to my car and started driving away, It was such a long day today and I feel bloated, Maybe it wasn't a good idea to become a food critic.



hey everyone I wanted to get a little teaser out so I can start writing this book out

my uploading schedule might be frequent only if you guys ask for it so if you want you can comment on this chapter or the next one to let me know I hope you guys will enjoy this book as much as I do

anywho ill stop rambling bye hunty💜

P.s make sure to vote so I know what you guys think OK byeeee

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