Chapter I

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[Excuse my weird, messy writing style—This is for the discord gang. You know who you are. Especially you, Mal. I'm looking at you.]

Anna paced around her bedroom, glancing at the door and out the window occasionally. She was bored out of her mind, waiting for her best–and probably only–friend to arrive. Stretching her arms out and falling backwards into her bed, she stared up at the ceiling and thought for a while, before glancing at the clock. 11:38. She should be here by now.

     "Anna! Your friend's here!" A voice called from outside her room, causing the girl to spring up from the bed and run out of her room, towards the front door. Swinging the door open, she spotted the slightly shorter girl walking up towards her. Anna grinned and ran outside to the other girl, grabbing her and pulling her into a hug.

     "Playtime!" Anna chimed, still holding the smaller girl in her arms, who was giggling by now. Anna let her go and held her hand, turning towards the door. "Come on! Come inside!" She said, clearly happy to have Playtime over. She ran inside, and was about to run into her room when she was stopped abruptly by her mother.

     "Anna, be careful please. Don't run too much, especially with your bad leg." She said calmly, before looking over at Playtime and smiling. Playtime looked back and nodded.

     "We're fine, mom! It's not like we'll die if we trip." Anna replied, tapping her foot on the ground for a moment. "...Well, we'll be in my room if you need us, bye!" She shouted, before running back into her room with Playtime, stumbling slightly. She waited for Playtime to be in the room before closing the door. She turned to the other girl and stretched her arms out to either side. "Here it is! My super-crazy-ultra-mega awesome room!" She said enthusiastically.

     Playtime glanced around, then looked back at Anna. "It's nice." She said, smiling, "bigger than mine."

     Anna tilted her head. "How big is your room?" She paused, "...Where do you live, anyway? You've never talked about that." Anna's questions didn't get any response, so she decided to change the subject. "Wanna do something? Like..." she thought for a moment, "Oh! I know!" She walked over to a black T.V. stand on the other end of her room and reached into the back of one of the lower shelves, pulling out a small console from the back, along with two controllers that were sitting on top of it. "Do you like video games?"

     Playtime's expression practically lit up as she grinned and nodded. "Yeah!" She said as she walked over to Anna, picking up one of the controllers and fidgeting with the buttons while Anna was setting things up. "Which ones do you have?" She asked.

     Anna looked up at her and shrugged. "I have a lot." She replied, pointing to a basket beside the stand. "Go through that pile right there and pick one."

     Some time passed, and the two had already gone through a few games, trying to find one they both liked enough. Soon enough, the sun had already almost set, and the two had ended up playing a bunch of games and snacking for most of the time already.

     "Victorious again!!" Anna shouted, winning a round of a fighting game the two had been playing.

      Playtime flopped onto the floor and groaned obnoxiously, "Stop being so good at this." She complained, though it was sarcastic.

     Anna paused the game before the next round could start, and stood up, stretching her arms and legs. "It's getting dark," she pointed out, looking towards the window.

     Playtime stood up and sat on the corner of Anna's bed, looking towards the window as well. "Already? That's weird..."

     "Time's stupid," Anna said jokingly, already picking up the small mess that the two had made. "If you wanna change, you can in the bathroom...or in here. I don't mind." She said, smiling genuinely.

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