Roller coaster

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Life is just like a ROLLER COASTER . It takes you high at extreme level where all your expectations rises like anything, you even start to say day dreaming, you think that "this is the happy phase which I was looking for." but then it brings you down so much that even breathing starts bothering you. All your expectations just vanish like wind, it suffocates you. it even forces you to think why are you alive?, there is no point in living. But when you see your family in front of you all your negative thoughts vanishes. Because for them you're here. Your parents want to see you as that person where people can recognise you by saying "See, this is the girl/boy who has an amazing personality" and so on. Then you realise there is atleast one reason to live that to become SOMETHING which will make your parents proud that "Yes, my daughter/son has become SOMETHING.

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