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I have always been amused (sometimes at myself) when someone says "I could say something.. but I won't."

It is like writing in bold, capital letters, "ASK ME!"

I have been guilty of it myself. Yet, when I was writing out the thought, it didn't seem that's what I was saying at the time.

For you see, I do have something to say, something you actually might understand (Indeed, I am not misunderstood..merely confused). In some ways, I wish we could speak another language, so I could say succinctly how much I respect and love you.

There. I said it.

I respect you deeply. You are one of the few people who will look me in the eye, who will tell me if you're planning on abandoning ship, but know you will return - one of the best humans I have ever known.

I care for you as well, as I'm sure you've gathered. I mean, in all honesty, who can't like you? You know what kind of love I mean. It's not Valentine chocolate or Passion fruit, if you had your doubts.

You might never figure out I wrote this to you, and that's ok. I never fully intended for you to know. I mean, I could, and might, write twenty more - but I'll let you look for fingerprints. I don't want to become too messy, too inkstained, between these lightbeams. You might notice.


Some end everything with one "finis" and that is that. But I am not anyone else, you know.

I don't see this as an end - do you?

I remain, yours faithfully,

A star-gazer.

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