chapter 2:

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    The doctor write down things. "What else. You being watched. You shooting people. No blood. They we're right about you and the others"

"I'm not lieing! Check the lieing detector. Now shut up and let me continue. Like I was saying"

That day was like the same one before. Nothing. The little girl was doing better. We had to find a safe place to stay. Like a home or a hotel! I looked in front of the car.

My brothers looked too "wow that's big!" They said. I smiled and looked at it again. "We might go there. But there's to many rooms to checked. There might be adults in there" I told them. They nodded. It's been officially a week. The little girl looks around.

I pull over the car and get my gun. My brothers and the little girl stay in the car hidding. I walk inside and I walk around aiming my gun at every noise.

An few hours later. The whole hotel was cleared out. We moved into a hotel room. It was in good shape. Surprisingly. We walked around. The little girl found toys that might have belong to other kids. I walked into the kitchen and found something Terrible. 7 kids Dead. There head were crushed. It was sickening.

I looked the kitchen closet door where the bodies were. The childern that were dead looked like to only be 4. I walked out of the kitchen and walked towards the front door. I heard banging. "Not Again" I aim my gun to the front door to find a boy around my age.

I unlocked the door. The boy ran inside and panted Heavily. "their coming. 6 of them" he says. I looked at him. "Who is?"I asked worried. The boy stands up and keeps panting. "What do you think. The people we thought we could trust!"he yells.

I wince a little. "I was just asking." I said getting my gun. The boy sighs. "I'm sorry for yelling but I was about to get killed"he says. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah I've already had to kill two" I said. The boy starts to laugh.

"You can't kill them! They are unkillable." He says. unkillable but they fell to the ground. I was about to say something when I saw the little girl and my brothers watching us. The boy looks at them and pulls out a knife "who they heel are they! I'll kill them if they are like the adults" he says. I growled and aimed the gun at him. "They are mine. They are with me now put your knife down" I said

The boy looked at me and put up his hands. "Hey hey Don't shoot I was just trying to protect you" he said. I growled more. "I can protect myself."

I said still aiming the gun. The boy glups and put the knife down and licked it over to me. "There I don't have a weapon now put the gun down. Here I'll give you my name im-" he was about to say his name but

I stopped him. "shut it! We don't have names anymore! " I yelled. The boy tilt his head. "Than what are we going to call each other"he asked. I think. What are we going to call eachother. "I'm 1" I stated. The boy tilted his head. I pointed to one of my brother.

"That's 2, than that one is 3, and the little girl is 4" I said and than pointed at him. "you will be known as 5" I said again. 5 smiles. "5 i like it so now our names have been giving. Who's the leader?" 5 stated. I thought. "I'll be the leader since I'm number 1" I said. 5 yawns. "Sounds good number 1 now let's go get some sleep. I'll lock up everything" he said and locking all the doors and covering them with the door protectors.

I walked up starts and got 2,3, and 4 ready for bed. I kissed all three good night and closed there door. 5 stared out a window. "Everything okay?" I asked standing next to him looking out the window too "my sister was killed by my parents. I've been lost since that happened" 5 said holding back tears

"I wouldn't go into the kitchen than. Theres dead childern in there" I stated. 5 looks at me like I was insane. "You didn't get rid of the bodies!" He yelled. I glared and punched him In the stomach. "Shut it 2,3, and 4 are asleep and what was I supposed to do. They we're still up!" I said.

5 winced and sighed. "I'm going to bed "he said walking to an extra room and going to bed. I sighed and stared out the window. Mom, dad where are you. I thought. "You know you won't be able to do it alone" I heard my mom say. I looked around.

"Mommy?" I said. "I know mommy but I still can!" I heard a younger me say. "Alright. Honey me and daddy when be right behind you if you fall" I heard my mom say again. I'm going crazy. What was in that water. I walked around and kept looking for them "mommy! Daddy!" I said tearing up.

"5 looked around and saw me asleep on the floor. Tears Running down my face. He told me that morning." The girl said to the doctor.

The doctor wrote it down. "So this 5 guy. Heard you say mom and dad correct?" The doctor asked.

"Yes sir now can I get back to the story!" She growled. The doctor nods.

That morning he told me about everything. "1 can I talk to you?" 5 asked me. I was making breakfast for everyone. "yes what is it?" I asked. "You sleep cry at night. You know that right?" He asked. I looked at him. "What are you talking about?" I stated. Sleep crying. I never have done that in my life

5 frowns and rubs my head. "You sleep talk to. Don't worry we will find them and maybe we will be able to fix them." He said. I sighed sadly and looked at the ground. "I hope your right"

I said and out food on plates. 2,3, and 4 ran over and sat down and eat. I walked over to the window and frowns. I'll find you one day mommy and daddy one day.

The dark figure Chuckles and eats pop corn. "yeah keep thinking that little 1. Because your never going to see them again like how they were."

The dark figure laughs and walks over to a cage of childern. "Only 5. Wow looks like childern are smart. Well oh well. " The cage was crushed killing Everything in the cage. "Soon that will be all of them! Hahahaha!!!"

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