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"She is delightfully chaotic; a beautiful mess. Loving her is a splendid adventure."- Steve Maraboli.


Jesse Hawthrone's P.O.V:

"Happy Anniversary, love." I said, unable to stop the tears from falling on her. I don't know why I still cry. Even though it's been five painful years, I am still hopeful. Still unable to get over her.

I shook my head, hoping to get rid of these disturbing thoughts.

I looked down at her, sadly. I put the white roses and the box of chocolates on the bedside table even though I know she couldn't see or eat it. They were her favorite.

"Wake up already, sweetie." I swept aside the sleek black hair that was falling on her eyes. They had grown so long. Longer than they had ever been. "You know don't know what you've done to me. Without you, everything is so.. Dull."

I took her pale hand in mine. So cold, so so cold. Even in this condition, she was still so beautiful and gorgeous. There weren't enough words in the English dictionary to describe how much I adored her. Yet again, I couldn't stop myself from staring at her face.

"I know that you'd want me to get over you, but it's impossible. It really is. Oh, God. I sound like such a girl. Love, if only you could see what you have done to me." I laughed, although there was no humor in it. "Come back, please, please come back." I felt the hot tears brimming at the corners my eyes again.

I tried my best to hold them back, but I couldn't. A tear finally streaked down my cheek. The tears were back. In full force. I let go of her hand and covered my face with my own hands. "Oh my, I'm so hopeless. Even when you were here you drove me crazy, and now that you're gone, you still drive me crazy." I couldn't help but crack a smile at the memories of those amazing days.

"I know, I know that you are listening to me. You always do. You always did. But Ember, you should reply. You really should. I just.. wanna hear your voice again." I said with a broken voice and a fresh set of hot tears.

"Like every year on October 9th, this year, too, I'm going to recite our beautifully messed up tale to you. No, I have not written it, like you always told me. But honestly, I don't need to. Remember when we engraved our names onto that stone five years ago? Yeah, just like that it's carved in my mind." I smiled sadly. Intertwined our fingers, closed my eyes and started with the story.

"So, when we first met at that X-Rated porn shop.."


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