Chapter 4.

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I drove my car to school the next day having such a head ache. We drank too much with Raven and now my head is killing me

I walked inside the school but got more looks than normally. Some people even taking pictures

Raven stood by the lockers then noticing me and coming to me fast.

"Raven whats going on?"
I asked confused as she pulled me aside to the hallway

"People are rumoring that you're like Kells' possible new girl, something that Alexa's friend group made up by accident. Look"
She said showing me her phone.

It was a picture of Kells standing at my door talking with me. It had heart emojis edited around us

"One of Alexa's bitches had been on a walk and saw you guys talking"
She said

I said looking away

"I know right. Look."
She said turning me and pointing to the end of the hallway to the other lockers. Alexa was there crying to her friends and the guys from the soccer team

"Someone also started a rumor that Alexa had been fucking Brad from the soccer team, when she was still with Kells"
Raven said.

"Where is he now?"
I asked

"I dont know."
She said

The bell rang.

"Lets go then"
I said and we started walking towards the class room.

"Hey Dani"
Steve said stopping me right outside the class room door.

I said looking weirded out

"Are you, you know. With him?"
He asked

"Who? Kells?"
I asked

"Yeah theres this big rumor going on"
He said

I said walking inside the class and taking a seat.

"Heyy Dani. Is that you?"
Some girl i've never even seen asked showing the picture of me and Kells.

Wow. Kells was crazy famous since just I got that much attention from being face to face with him.

The classroom door was shut. Kells was not inside the class. Everyone was doing exercises.

Suddenly Kells stepped inside the class throwing his backpack at his desk from a few meters away sitting down.

"Baker, you're late"
The teacher said.

"I have a good reason to"
He said just smoothly turning around and giving me a kiss on my cheek as the whole class stared wooing

Our looks stopped at eachother and he looked at me smiling.

"Turn your nose at the white board please Mr. Baker"
The teacher said but he kept staring at me smiling.

"Sorry. I got something else to look at. Someting prettier"
He said checking me out.

I blushed a bit.

The teacher said.

"Alright. Nose to the white board"
He said turning around.

I could tell everyone was staring at us. Especially me. One look that really got my attention was Alexa. The most bitter ex- girlfriend to ever exist.

She looked at me with a poisonous killers face. Just like her friends. They were all sitting in the middle of the class room probably wishing for me to be dead.

I on the other hand focused more on the school work. And Kells. But mostly school work.

It wasnt long until the school bell rang again.
I got outside the classroom and started walking to the girls bathroom to fix my makeup. Surprise. I ended up being there the same time as Alexa and her group. I didnt mind her I just went to the mirror taking out my powder. She was standing behind me and I could see her through the mirror

"Oh. Hi Dani. Danielle. Daniela whatever your name was.."
She said as her friends just laughed

"Hey. Alexandra"
I said

Her friends stopped laughing and Alexa got a bitchy face.

"Doing your makeup for him? Trust me. Its not gonna work. Nothing can hide that"
She said

I turned around going infront of her.

"Why you gotta be like that to everyone?"
I asked

"Oh honey..No one steals my boyfriend without consequinces."
She said

"He wouldnt want someone like you anyways. I know he'll crawl back to me with time. So prepare for that"
She said about to walk away

"By the way"
She said coming even closer to me

"Stay away from my boyfriend"
She said pushing my shoulder as she went by leaving the bathroom.

I stood there looking at the floor

Gus said by the door.

"Gus that's the girls bathroom get the fuck out of there wanker"
Steve yelled to Gus.

"Lets go the class is starting"
He said.

I put my makeup in my bag and followed him.

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