Chapter 18.

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I walked down the hallway about to get into class. I saw Gus was standing right outside the class room door but I didnt bother to talk to him.

Gus said coming after me.

He yelled turning me around

I asked

"You have to listen to me"
He said

"I have to? Since when. You took the pictures of me there's nothing I wanna talk with you about"
I said turning around walking.

"Dani this is not about it..-"
He said grabbing my arm.

I took my hand back continuing to walk. I saw Alexa standing just a few feet from me with her gang. Kells was standing at the blue lockers and lifted his look from his friends to me as he noticed me. I ignored Alexa walking towards Kells.

I said smiling and hugging Kells.

"Hey babe"
He said kissing me on the forehead

"Hey. You wanna hang out after school?"
I asked

"Um. Yeah"
He said

I smiled but was distracted by something.

"Oh. This one again"
Alexa said coming from behind me between me and Kells.

"Leave Alexa"
Kells said.

"No. Actually this time i've got something to talk to Dani about"
Alexa said still sounding like a bitch.

Kells looked nervous.

"It's actually about you too Kells. It's about what kind of a man whore you are behind your girlfriends back"
Alexa said looking at him and then me smiling.

I looked at her confused and then Kells.

"Shut up Alexa"
Kells said sounding mad.

"No. Hunny, i was just getting started"
Alexa said.

Alexa said turning back to me.

"What a beautiful hand bracelet. Given to you by Kells, right?"
Alexa asked touching it.

"That's funny. I got the same one from him too. Now we can be samzies"
She said.

I looked at her sad then at Kells.

Kells looked at me hopeless with Alexa just smiling next to us.

"Kells slept with me"
Alexa whispered looking at me in the eyes.

"Shut up Alexa!!"
Kells raiced his voice.

"You wanna be honest to your girlfriend, right?"
Alexa asked and Kells looked away ashamed.

"She's lying Dani dont you see!?"
Kells asked getting furious.

"He slept with me a night before he forgave you. So you would be equal. You cheated on him, and he cheated on you. Fair trade"
Alexa said

"That shit isnt true. Dani didnt sleep with Steve believe it or not"
Joshua said out of the crowd.

"Oh. Well then. Im sorry. I was just being honest about him. Atleast now you know what kind of a skank he really is"
Alexa said looking at me then walking away.

I looked over Kells' shoulder to the hallway and saw Gus standing there.

"I tried telling you"
I read from his lips.

Kells said starting to walk at me. I ripped the bracelet off my arm throwing it at him then walking away crying.

Kells yelled coming after me but for nothing.
I stepped outside the school and it was raining. I remembered coming there with my aunts ride.
I looked at the parking lot hopeless. It was raining hard.

Steve said running outside of the door.

I looked at him for a second then breaking in tears with him then hugging me tightly.

"Are you okay?"
He asked.

I shaked my head.

"What happened in there?"
He asked.

"I dont know.. I was just talking to Kells and then Alexa came there telling me that Kells cheated on me"
I said

"Look calm down. I'll take you home"
He said starting to lead me to his car.

"I dont think it's such a good idea.. after all the rumors and... Kells"
I said

"You know what, fuck him. He doesnt fucking deserve you"
He said taking his football jacket off him and putting it on me. It was really big on me but it was warm. I smiled up at him a bit as we kept walking to his car.

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