How i got into kpop

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So this is the story of how I got into Kpop

I was in third grade, finishing my exams because during exam days I was absent so I had to do all of them while my schoolmates had to practice singing "Salamat" for grad or whatever you call it
I finished the 2nd quarter exam papers and moved on to the next one, but my science teacher pat my back and asked "Do you know EXO?" And I said "What is an EXO?" And then she said "it's a Kpop boy band, they're really cool"
I cringed a little cause I didn't like Kpop before...because Gangnam style was a bit annoying to me. But she still continued talking about EXO while I did my exam. After I finished the 3rd quarter exam papers, she told me "I'm going to let you listen to a song by EXO" I asked what it is, she said "Call me Baby" I thought EXO re-made the "Call Me Maybe" mv, but it was a bit different so I said, "Wait they aren't singing Call me Maybe" and she laughed, she said it was "Baby" not "Maybe"  I took a break from completing the exam so I asked her more about EXO, and she talked and talked about EXO nonstop, she talked about EXO showtime (rip ot12)  the one that got me interested in them was when she talked about the haunted house episode. She told me the parts where Chen gave hot packs,when Tao cried, when Baekhyun kept on screaming and on and on. After she talked about EXO showtime, she made me listen to another song called "Wolf"
Don't do it
Don't do it....
Don't do it....



And boy that song got stuck in my head for two days, it was a Friday (I think) and she said she will show me episodes of EXO showtime if I finish my exam. After two days with the chorus of wolf stuck in my head, I finish my stupid exam and watch downloaded episodes of showtime on her phone till recess,
And more videos and her pointing out the members
I found my bias

It was Tao
Our Gucci Panda Tao
God I loved his wushu, his cute attitude and how he acts like a baby ^^ it was adorable
During graduation, I sat beside my Filipino and science teacher, and she said "oh that is Chanyeol" while Chanyeol was rapping. And after grad I listened to more songs of EXO

Tbh my whole vacation and early grade 4 I fucking hated BTS. Since I thought they were copying EXO....
I used to say things like
oh dear the immature EXOL I was before....

But I was watching a Kpop try not to laugh on Flipagram and I listened to the intro, it was the instrumentals of Save Me. It sounded good to me, and halfway through the video I watched Jin....MMMMM SMEELLL
Yeah, he looked handsome to me. And around October I was listening to XOXO on YT, and I was hearing my dad call me so I did what he asked me to do, I forgot autoplay was on and when I went back I read "BigHit"
I was ??? But after the BigHit thing it played save me
And my reaction was "Oh this was on Flipagram" and I took a look at Jimin and "WOAH HE IS HANDSOME" "But familiar" I looked at the artist and...
"Well damn, it's BTS"
After listening to Save me it got stuck in my head and I couldn't stop listening to them
I got Into into them, and I knew how everyone looked except for Jhope and Yoongi
I finally seen a photo of Jhope but I was too lazy to even search for Yoongi's :\
And after a year....
I have found my First Love (in bts)

(Dramatically plays First Love by Min YoonGAY)

I saw Yoongi's Face....and you don't know how much I fell in love with him

How could no one resist thisExplain pleaseJust howWhyFucking heckKms

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How could no one resist this
Explain please
Just how
Fucking heck

Bruv Tuesday
Died because her fucking brother killed her Volcarona in Pokemon

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