Summer ho e s ™
*5 people are online*
IceCreamSundaes: Happy 4th of July, ho e s
WatermelonForDays: You too ho e
WindyBreeze: What did you ho e s do?
IceCreamSundaes: Meh.
SunshineOnTheBeach: Eat, and then hid away from everyone
MeltingPopsicle: ^^ Story of my life
WatermelonForDays: Lmao
WindyBreeze: For real tho!
SunshineOnTheBeach: Okay, I ate and then hung out with fam
IceCreamSundaes: I set off fireworks \(•o•)/
WatermelonForDays: ^^ Samesies
WatermelonForDays: I also went bowling
MeltingPopsicle: I just hung out with some friends
WindyBreeze: :O
WindyBreeze: You have other friends?!
WatermelonForDays: Traitor
MeltingPopsicle: Srry but you guys suk ://
IceCreamSundaes: R00d
MeltingPopsicle: jk, Ily guys
SunshineOnTheBeach: :3
WindyBreeze: Awww
IceCreamSundaes: <3
WindyBreeze: Well, is it time to change our name?
WatermelonForDays: Ooo yeah
SunshineOnTheBeach: Well what's the theme?
WatermelonForDays: The theme issss...
WatermelonForDays: your nickname
WindyBreeze: Oh, okay! Easy enough
*IceCreamSundaes has changed their name to Likman*
*SunshineOnTheBeach has changed their name to Cronk*
*WindyBreeze has changed their name to SkoopityPoopity*
*WatermelonForDays has changed their name to Din Din*
*MeltingPopsicle has changed their name to Soobledoo*
Din Din: Okay, well that's settled
SkoopityPoopity: People are still shooting fireworks and it scared the shit out of me
Cronk: Ahaha, noob
SkoopityPoopity: Do you even know what noob means?
Cronk: Yeah
Group Chat- The Pals
Random*Does have swears, if you no like, then you can go bye bye* Welcome to The Pals group chat where crazy, weird things happen...and that's about it.