360 12 26

New Year, New Ho e s ™

*10 people are online*

JingleBellsDaily: Hey

SmolElf: Bye

JingleBellsDaily: :c

HollyJollyAlex: Hai :3

Lil Snowflake: It's been a while bois

SkoopyClause: ik!

SkoopyClause: It's february, and we haven't talked since December

SmolElf: ikr

HollyJollyAlex: Wait, then who changed the gc name?

SmolElf: idk

JingleBellsDaily:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Albert: >.>

Albert: <.<

SkoopyClause: wtf

SkoopyClause: are you doing here

Albert: idk

Albert: what are YOU doing here

SmolElf: did anyone not notice that 10 people are online .-.

Jayingee: what up boisss

JingleBellsDaily: I hate you

JingleBellsDaily: get out

Jayingee: Jokes on you

Jayingee: I'll unsubscribe from your channel

JingleBellsDaily: no, jokes on YOU

JingleBellsDaily: bc i don't even a yt channel

JingleBellsDaily: idiot

Jayingee: oh

Jayingee: so ur saying kongoboom isn't you?

JingleBellsDaily: ...

HollyJollyAlex: exposed

Jayingee: that's what i thought!

Albert: *epically unscribes*

Lil Snowflake: who the other 3 people?!

SkoopyClause: reveal ur self!

Russ-O: hey

Albert: no one likes you russo

Albert: noob

Russ-O: why are you always bullying me :c

Russ-O: i thought you loved me :c

Albert: ya well you THOUGHT!

SmolElf: thot*

Albert: no swearing corl

SmolElf: -.-

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