Chapter 12- Ups and Downs

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Hey guys, its not edited and its really just a filler sorry! But trust me the next chapter will be more interesting ;) and secrest will be revealed!!! :D certain secrets not all of them at once :p ...perhaps

enjoy :)


I left my last class excited to see all the boys again...but not as excited as Meaghan was. As soon as class ended she dragged me over to her locker and quickly shoved everything in her bag.  Then started pushing me towards mine.

"Okay I'm moving I'm moving!" I exclaimed as she kept pushing me closer to my locker.

I put everything in my bag really slowly just to annoy her a sneaky smile on my face. She just shoved me playfully and I closed my locker. She was basically skipping towards the exit excitedly. Mr Wire exited a classroom just in time to see her zoom past, he looked at me confused but I just shrugged and jogged along after her. She saw Niall scanning the crowd for us and skipped over to him and hugged him from behind.

"Guess who!" she laughed.

He pretended to look confused then rapidly spun around surprising Meaghan. He chuckled at her expression and hugged her back.

I turned to see Summer glaring at us and observing the situation. She huffed as if her point was proven and turned back to her friends. She didn't realize how wrong she was about Meaghan she most definantly didn't like Niall anymore that's for sure.

"Don't I get a hug?" I complained as Niall started to get in the car.

"I-uh of course" he stuttered his cheeks going redish.

He got back out and gave me one of his famous 'Horan Hugs' before grinning at me and getting back in the car.

Noah was already in the car and it looked like he was fighting off a smile which made me smile.

Meaghan called shotgun and was bouncing around excitedly in her seat her foot tapping loudly on the floor.

I laughed as he stopped in front of the house.We stood outside the door and he took out his phone to text someone. Meaghan glared at him impatiently.

"Niall if you don't open the door right now I think Meaghan might just break it down herself I said seriously.

"I need to give the boys a warning first... I think zayns hiding in the bathroom" he joked.

"For godsake just open the door already"'she almost screamed.

Noah put on a mock freaked out look and backed away a little. Meaghan stuck her tongue out in reply.

Niall slowly opened the door and there standing was a nervous looking Zayn, a smiling Liam, Louis shifting a bit from foot to foot and Harry smiling at , his best flirtatious smile on.

"Lili! She squealed and tackled Liam in a a hug, he stumbled a bit but just chuckled and hugged her back. It's good how he reacted to the hugging instead of like freaking out and pushing her off, he was very down to earth.

Meaghan had met Liam before at a concert but the others were busy doing stuff so she only met him.

I couldn't afford to go and I wasn't going to ask for a free ticket from Niall so I didn't get to go.

"Nice to see you again too, Meaghan" he laughed leaning away from her a little his arms still around her waist.

Panda Boy leant down and whispered something that sounded a lot like "Now!" at that moment Liam let go of her and she pounced on Zayn who was closest and lifted his hands up shocked.She snuggled in close to him and he patted her back awkwardly.

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