love hurts

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Dinger and I have been dating for 2 years, but we've always been best friends since 3rd grade.

we fight all the time, but tonight Dinger was drunk.

he never drinks, but we were walking home from school one Thursday night and he got mad that I talked to his best guy friend, Van, at school today.

"what's the problem with me being friends with your friends?" I asked him "maybe the fact that WE are dating, not you and my friends." he said

"dinger, your drunk. Why are you drinking?" I asked him

he stopped and turned to me and squinted his eyes "I don't know what your talking about but you should stop telling me what to do." he said

"me? stop telling you what to do?! are you kidding!" I yelled back at dinger

he grabbed my wrist tightly "keep your voice down." he said harshly

his grip was so tight on my wrist "ow ow oww dinger stop!" I said trying to shake free

he stared down at my wrist which was now all red.

he let go and shook his head

"i have to go." he said and walked away home

We have always fought but never physical. why was he drinking? I rubbed my wrist which was already bruising.

I walked home and went straight to my room.

my mom called me for dinner but I needed something to hide the bruise dinger just left me.

I found 2 bracelets and a hair tie to cover it with.

the pressure the hair band put on the bruise hurt but I couldn't have any of my family asking questions about it, so I sucked it up and went down to dinner.

I sat down and quietly at my spaghetti with my left hand, just to prevent questions.

turns out my left hand is horrible at holding forks so I had to shovel my food down so I could get back upstairs.

when I got up to leave the table my little sister Britney asked why I was wearing hear charm bracelet "Oh I just really like it" I said to her "but you never liked it before?" Brit said to me

"I just want to wear it alright?" I said and ran back up to my room.

bruisesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon