Everytime I Look at You

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"You're not going to hurt me," I laughed as Hunter gingerly pulled the razor down my leg, "sorry to make you do this again."

"Not a worry in the world," Hunter smiled, "I was thinking," he looked up and smiled, "I never put out a music video for Still Fallin' and it's kind of like our theme song. I still fall for you every day. I want to rerelease it as a part of this project but I want you on the track and in the video."

"That's incredible," I smiled, "I would be delighted." Hunter finished helping me and I showered while he strummed his guitar. I dried off after my shower and looked at my bump in the mirror, I think the baby was turning, and right in time, it was just a week until my due date. I was settling into bed when I received several text messages all at once, and all from Amy.

A: Omg Sam proposed
A: did you know about this?!? I'm so excited
A: I said yes!! ps sorry if you're asleep

J: we are so happy for you

She sent along a picture of the pretty princess cut diamond. "Amy said yes," I said to Hunter, passing him my phone, "perhaps Easton and Sutton will be in the wedding."

"Probably all of us really," Hunter smiled, "here let me help you." I was totally uncomfortable at night now, especially with the baby turning. Hunter helped me adjust my pillows.

"I've been thinking," I reached for his hand, "this is it. I wanted to talk to the doctor about getting my tubes tied or something so... yeah."

"Yeah I understand Jen." He picked up my hand and kissed it. "If you're certain, we can talk to the doctor."

On that note, we went to sleep. I found myself slowing down similarly to when I was going to have Easton. Hunter took care of getting the kids to school while I got ready for the day at my own pace. Alexis was due to come over to touch base with us regarding Hunter's song release/ video project, so I hauled myself out of bed.

"Perfect timing," I said as Hunter and Alexis walked into the house, "thanks for coming by Alexis." I stretched my arm out to give her a hug. "I know we've taken some time to just exist and parent. I know Hunter has some exciting stuff coming up, and slowly but surely, I want to get myself back to where I was at last year." Hunter put his arm over my shoulder.

"People are still talking a ton about you both," Alexis smiled, "Your album Jenna is still being talked about and you get a good amount of radio play. I'm sure your comeback - whenever you're ready, will be well received." Hunter and I laid out an agenda to have his five part video-song series called Just a Moment, released over a week, one video per day on the first week of April. "On a separate note, you guys have not publicized this pregnancy. Did you want to? I'm sure Country People will be wanting to interview you..."

"I don't know, we didn't talk about it." Hunter turned to me.

"Yeah, I know we haven't. We've just been living so quietly to ourselves this year. How about, we post on Instagram when he or she arrives and see what comes of that?" Alexis smiled and nodded, making note in her agenda. We wrapped up our meeting and did some little things around the house before going together to pick up the kids from school.

We didn't do anything big for our anniversary. It was hard to think of something to accommodate eight and half pregnant me plus our two kids. The time we spent together this year focusing on us and the kids was a gift in itself.

"So the day after tomorrow is Halloween," I held Hunter's hand, "you know, this time six years ago we were on a boat in Greece."

"My goodness," he smiled, "that's incredible. Crazy how the time flies. What did you want to do for Halloween Jen?"

"I would be fine to stay back and hand out candy. It's also a school night so I don't reckon people will be out late." Hunter pulled up to the school and he hopped out quick to retrieve Easton.

"Hey buddy," I smiled, "did you have a good day?" He told me yes, and told me they watched a movie. Hunter drove us over to Sutton's school and once again, he hopped out to get her.

"Hey love, how was your day?"

"Good. Can Lilly come over this weekend to play?" Just as she asked, Hunter handed me a note from the teacher, Lilly's mom extended her contact info to us.

"I don't know yet sweetie, mommy might be at the hospital with the new baby." I reached back to pat her leg, "How about we see on Friday how mommy feels?" She smiled and nodded.

We headed home for dinner and discussed Halloween with the kids. Sutton had already decided she wanted to be a fairy, Easton wasn't sure. Hunter took Easton and Sutton to the costume store while I packed my hospital bag. My phone began to buzz just as I zipped up my bag. It was Stephanie.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm doing well, I have been meaning to text or call you. However you been," she said, her voice sounded excited.

"I am forty weeks pregnant.... you sound excited..." my voice drifted off.

"Yes, oh my gosh Jen your mom told me and I saw the posts about the miscarriage. I'm sorry I've been a horrible excuse of a friend lately. She also told me about this baby. Oh man, I'm awful."

"Honestly, it's okay. Tell me your news!"

"I opened up my own treatment clinic. I actually partnered with a massage therapist."

"That's amazing!" She said there was more.

"So my business partner is Layla, and she has a brother who is a resident doctor at St. Michael's...." she took a deep breath, "she set us up. He's amazing."

"Oh my gosh Stephanie. That's so much good news. I am so happy for you." Stephanie and I caught up, I told her the due date was fast approaching and that Sutton was in SK and Easton started preschool.

"I feel like I'm finally on a better path, I promise I won't be so distant. Let me know when your have the baby. I am more than able to take time to come down, maybe around Christmas or slightly after." We finished up our conversation and I heard commotion downstairs.

"Hey guys, what's going on?"I looked down to see a fairy and a skeleton hurling up the stairs, "Whoa slow down there guys. I don't want you to fall." I took a picture of their costumes and looked at the time, "we best get ready for bed my little hooligans." Hunter helped wrangle the kids for baths and bed time routine and we climbed into bed ourselves.

"You would never guess who called me."He looked up from his phone and shrugged. "Stephanie - after all this time." I briefed Hunter in on what she told me.

"I'm glad she's in a good place all around. That's great news."

I readjusted my pillows and reached for Hunter's hand, "We haven't talked much in the department of baby names," I said quietly, "any thoughts?"

"Is it strange I've been thinking of different names that sound good with Sutton and Easton?" He smiled.

"Not at all, I've been thinking the same. For a girl I was thinking Briar or Meredith, and a boy I was thinking Lincoln or Beckett. What do you think."

"Where do you find these cool names?" Hunter asked, massaging my arm up into my shoulder. "I know we've waited til we meet them. I really like all of those names, Jen." He moved his hand onto my belly, "What do you think? Boy or girl?"

"I've had three easy pregnancies," I smiled and placed my hand over his, "something in me says boy. Sutton and I are meant to be surrounded by strong, handsome men." He kissed my cheek. We cuddled up and as comfortably as I could, I fell asleep.

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