Thirty Two

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It was Friday, just three days before the release and after running the kids to school, I lugged Beckett back in the house with a large latte in hand. "Hunter?" I called out, and with no reply I placed my latte on the counter and saw an envelope with a J on it. I got Beckett into his play table before opening it.

Happy 32nd birthday to the sweetest, most selfless & beautiful baby mama in the whole world.
Clue #1: You probably put baby B here to read this

I laughed and checked around the play table then the playpen and found my second clue.

#2: Our daughter has been working really hard here....

I went over to the piano, and tucked in the book of notes was a third clue.

#3: where we spent our first wedding anniversary with a bottle of Pinot Grigio

I looked and the recording light was off so I went down to the basement and found a note taped onto the studio door.

Last clue. #4: find me on the piece of furniture has been used as much as the studio.

I headed back up and went upstairs to our room to find red and white rose petals covering the room. "Happy birthday beautiful." Hunter's arms were wide open.

"Thank you sweetie," I received his hug and kissed him, "if you give me just a few minutes to get Beckett to sleep we can keep using this bed." I winked and waved the last clue at him.

"I like the sound of that," he winked, "need a hand?" I nodded and he followed me down and we talked while I fed Beckett. "Before I forget," he handed me a folded piece of paper. I read it over and looked back at him, confused.

570 Opry Mills Dr., Nashville, 7:30pm, Monday April 3rd

"The release date, time and location for the videos. I wanted the kids to be able to come. I checked with Alexis and she said she will watch Beckett."

"This is awesome," I smiled, "so are fans going to be able to come and watch?"

"Yeah, so they'll buy a ticket and get to see the full six videos that Monday. YouTube or Instagram will only post one part each day Monday through Friday of that week."

"This is great. I'm so happy for you Hunter." I turned Beckett to burp him, "I feel like this is a step back into our comfort zones.... like where we were before kids. Well, even when we had baby Sutton."

"I know what you mean." Hunter smiled, "I'm excited for this. I know you have a lot of good things coming your way, whenever you're ready." We laid Beckett down for his nap and romped over to our room.

I flopped down on the bed, Hunter laid beside me, holding me close. "I didn't tell you what Easton said to me way back when I was getting ready for the Carrie thing," Hunter smiled and nodded, "I think he's been listening to you, because he came into the bathroom as I was
finishing my make up and he said that I looked pretty. He's gonna be a heartbreaker."

"That's so sweet," Hunter smiled, "they're such good kids." He gently raked his hand through my hair and brushed it back over my shoulder. He inched closer, meeting his lips with mine, he traced my curves, slowly bringing his body over mine. His hand slid up my leg, under my dress, tugging at my underwear while I fiddled with his belt buckle. He wiggled out of his jeans and I brought my hands up under his shirt, over his head. He moved off of me long enough for me to get out of my dress. His kisses started at my collar bone and he worked his way down stomach, my litigation scars and further down.
My hands raked through his bed head hair and I guided him back up, "Come here." he moved himself over me, his body entering mine, slowly first then all at once. He rocked his hips gently and we maneuvered so we were laying side by side, kissing, entangled in the bedsheets. Hunter put me over top of him rocking my hips with his guiding hands, I leaned forward to kiss him, our bodies reaching their climaxes. I lifted myself off his warm body and collapsed beside him.

"I love you Jenna," I kissed his lips.

"I love you too babe." I raked my hands through his hair. "Can we go out for dinner tonight?"

"Absolutely." He smiled, we cuddled for a little until it was time for Hunter to get the kids and I was going to get washed up and get Beckett set for our outing at Butcher & Bee. My birthday dinner was perfect between dinner with the kids, and Monday evening rolled around, and we ran around the house to get ready for the video premier.

"Sutton, come here so I can do your hair." I called from my room, as Hunter helped zip up my the back of my black dress. Sutton bounded in wearing a sparky long sleeve top and black leggings. Easton trailed behind her wearing a black polo top and jeans. "Oh my gosh you are your dads twin," I looked at Easton and glanced back at Hunter who was wearing a grey v neck and jeans. I dressed becket in a grey shirt and black track pants and we headed to the theatre.

Alexis met up with us in one of the reserved rooms to take care of Beckett while security lead Hunter, the kids and I to the theatre that was packed full of fans. Sutton held her dad's hand while I scooped Easton up. Hunter made a quick speech to the audience discussing the past year of our lives, the hiccups, heart ache and blessings. "This project, Just a Moment, is a glimpse into my mind and my heart over the past seven years. I am so happy to have been able to include my family in this and to share it with you all is really bringing this full circle." The audience cheered and security lead us to our reserved seats. The lights dimmed and the videos began. The audience aww'ed mostly during the last two segments with the kids. The whole series was about thirty minutes in length and by the end, I had tears rolling down my cheeks, "Mommy, don't cry." Easton wiped my cheeks.
"It's okay baby, mommy is happy." I kissed him and wiped my eyes up, before leaning into Hunter for a kiss. Applause filled the theatre and Hunter, the kids and I were escorted out first. "Hunter, that was amazing." I hugged him when we got back to the reserved room.

"I'm so happy with it." He was beaming the whole way home. Instagram and YouTube were blowing up with lovely comments and likes from the first video release online. "I forgot to mention, a portion of the ticket proceeds from tonight are going toward St. Jude Children's Hospital."

"That's amazing Hunter." I held his hand the whole way home and we settled the kids down for bed. We were getting ready for bed, Hunter unzipped my dress, kissing my neck and slowly sliding my dress off.

"You looked beautiful tonight. I realize it was our first outing celebrating one of our works in over a year." He said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you again for all of your support."

I turned to face him, "I thank God every day I get to be in your life. I love you and am always supporting you." I kissed him and we made our way to bed, slowly shedding layers of clothing. We were entangled for a short time and fell I asleep in Hunter's arms as he quietly sang.
Still falling,
Still chasing, still nervous,
Still reeling, dreaming about this

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