The Slushie

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    It had all happened so fast. One minute they were singing ‘Bad’ and then the next minute Blaine had shoved Kurt out of the way and was on the ground in pain. Kurt stood in shock for a minute before he dropped to his knees, hands coming to rest on Blaine’s side. Blaine was crying out in pain and was pushing his hands against his eyes.

    “Is he okay?” Kurt heard Rachel ask and he shook his head.

    “Blaine?” Kurt said gently but the other boy just moaned in response, “C’mon baby, sit up.” Kurt eased his boyfriend up so he was facing him, but Blaine kept his hands over his eyes.

    “Here dude,” Finn said quietly, holding out a towel he had gotten from Kurt’s car. Kurt hadn’t even seen him leave to get it, but he took it gratefully.

    “Thanks Finn,” he said and gently wiped some of the fast drying slushy off Blaine’s face.

    “Blaine, can you move your hands for me Love?” Kurt asked and Blaine shook his head.

    “Sweetheart if you don’t move your hands than I can’t see what’s wrong.”

    “Kurt, it hurts,” Blaine whispered.

    “What does Love?” The other boy asked gently.

    “My eye,” Blaine choked out, “Kurt, please make it stop.” He felt ridiculous, crying like this over a slushy, but it hurt so much! He was sure that it wasn’t supposed to hurt like this.

    “Shh, you’re okay Blaine,” Kurt said, “But you’ve got to move your hands and let me see your eye, okay?” Blaine sniffed and nodded before slowly lowering his hands and gripping Kurt’s tightly.

    “Open your eyes Love,” Kurt said gently and Blaine’s eyes fluttered open for just a second before he closed them again with a cry of pain. However, that second was all it took for Kurt to see there was something seriously wrong with Blaine’s eyes.

    “I’ve never seen a slushy do that before,” Finn said from over Kurt’s shoulder.

    “That wasn’t a normal slushy,” Kurt said darkly as he stood up, “C’mon sweetheart, I’m gonna take you to the hospital.”

    “The hospital?” Blaine asked, his voice strained, “But – but –”

    “No buts Anderson,” Santana said, “Let him take you before it gets worse.”

    “I’ll drive you guys,” Finn said and Kurt nodded as he helped Blaine towards the car. Mike walked ahead of them and opened the back door for Kurt and Blaine.

    “Thanks Mike,” Kurt said as he helped Blaine into the car and then slid in after him. Finn started the car just as Rachel jumped into the passenger seat before they made their way to the hospital.

    “Kurt, what’s Blaine’s parents phone number?” she asked immediately.

    “No!” Blaine said, “Don’t call them! Kurt, please! Don’t call them!”

    “Shh, its okay,” Kurt said gently, “We’re not gonna call them, its okay.

    “But Kurt,” Rachel said as she turned around in her seat, “We need to call someone.”

    “Call my dad,” Kurt said firmly. Rachel went through her contacts until she came across a contact labeled ‘Finn’s house’. Pressing call, Rachel waited for Burt to pick up.

    “Hello?” Burt said on the other end.

    “Hi Mr. Hummel, its Rachel.”

    “Oh, hi Rachel, what can I do for you?”

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