The Surgery

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    The day of Blaine’s surgery dawned bright and early. Blaine woke at 7:30, fully aware of what was to happen in a few hours. It was a simple, routine procedure; he knew that. But it didn’t stop him from being any less terrified. He sat up in bed, looking around the guest room of the Hudson-Hummel house. The guestroom he had been staying in for three days now. He had called his parents as soon as he had left the hospital with Kurt, Finn, and Burt. They had, as he’d predicted, been furious at the idea of having to end their trip early. However, as soon as Blaine had told them about Kurt’s offer, they jumped on it. Willing to ignore the fact that their son would be staying with his boyfriend if it meant they could stay on their “business” trip.

    Blaine stood slowly, his centre of gravity completely off. He slowly walked over to the closet where Kurt had hung a few items of his clothing. He pulled out a shirt and a pair of sweat pants before dressing and then making his way down the hall. Kurt’s room was at the far end and Blaine could hear Kurt singing softly from inside. He knocked on the door softly and heard Kurt call, “Come in!” Blaine opened the door and walked inside, smiling at the sight of his boyfriend standing there getting ready.

    “Hey,” he said softly.

    “Hey you,” Kurt replied, smiling, “What are you doing up this early?”

    “I couldn’t sleep,” Blaine said as he walked over and sat on Kurt’s bed.

    “Nervous about this afternoon?” Kurt asked, running his hands through Blaine’s unruly curls. Blaine just nodded, not wanting Kurt to know just how scared he was. Kurt seemed to sense it anyway though as he saw down next to Blaine and put his arm around him comfortingly.

    “Hey now,” he said gently, “You know there’s nothing to worry about right?”

    “I know, it’s just…” Blaine trailed off.

    “Just what?” Kurt pressed.

    “I’m scared,” Blaine whispered, face burning in embarrassment.

    “Oh Blaine,” Kurt said, “You know there’s nothing to be scared of right? Everything is going to be fine.”

    “I know, but I can’t help it,” Blaine said quietly.

    “I know you can’t Love, but I promise, everything will be fine. We’re going to go to the hospital later today, you’re going to have your eye fixed while I wait in the waiting room and drink terrible coffee, and then I’m going to be there when you open your eyes,” Kurt assured him.

    “You promise?” Blaine asked, feeling like a child.

    “I promise,” Kurt said, “Now, you wait here while I go get your pain meds and a new bandage for your eye,” Kurt stood and walked out of the room while Blaine stayed sitting on his bed. Kurt returned a few moments later with the necessary objects. He let Blaine take the pills and then set to redressing his eye. After that, the pair laid down on top of the covers, wanting to just relax in each others company. Kurt held Blaine gently, not wanting to hurt him anymore than he already was, but Blaine didn’t care. He laid his head on Kurt’s chest and gripped the taller boy’s shirt. He needed to feel close to Kurt; he needed to hear his boyfriend’s heartbeat. He had just started to drift off to the soothing rhythm when Kurt spoke.

    “It should’ve been me,” he said quietly.

    “What?” Blaine asked.

    “It should’ve been me, not you, that got hit by that slushy.” Kurt had been thinking this since it happened, but this was the first time he’d said it out loud.

It Should've Been Me, Not YouWhere stories live. Discover now