The Recovery

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    Kurt sat in the waiting room of the hospital, just down from where Blaine’s recovery room was. He’d been in surgery for just over an hour; the doctor had said it would take about two. He sat there, nursing a cup of coffee, and going through everything that was to happen over the course of the next couple days. A nurse would come and get him when Blaine was done, he would spend the night here at the hospital with Blaine, they would take him back to the Hudmel residence tomorrow, where Blaine would spend the remainder of the time recovering before his parents got home and he went to his house to finish his recovery.

    He sat there quietly, mulling over his thoughts, thankful that there was no one to interrupt him. His dad had left to go to work, but had promised to come back later and to pick up Kurt and Blaine’s school work for the two days that neither boy was there. Kurt waited anxiously for Blaine to come out of surgery. After just over two hours, a nurse finally walked out and looked at him. Kurt smiled as h stood up and walked over to her.

    “Everything went fine, just as planned,” she said before Kurt could ask, “They’re just getting him settled and he should be waking soon, if you’d like to follow me.” Kurt followed her down the hall and approached the door just as two nurses came out.

    “He’s just waking up now,” one of them informed him.

    “Okay,” Kurt replied, “Thank you.” He entered the room alone and took a seta next to the bed. Blaine’s only visible eye was shifting and his fingers twitched slightly.

    “Blaine?” Kurt said gently, “Baby, you awake?” Blaine slowly opened his one eye before blinking a few times.

    “K’rt? Wher’m I?” Blaine slurred.

    “You’re in the hospital Love, remember? You just came out of surgery and everything went fine, just as planned.”

    “Li’e ‘ou sa’d,” Blaine said slowly and Kurt smiled. At that moment, the doctor walked into the room.

    “Oh good, you’re awake!” he said, smiling at them, “How are you feeling Blaine?”

    “Tir’d,” Blaine answered.

    “That’s to be expected,” the doctor replied, “You can sleep in just a minute, but first I wanted to inform you that everything went as planned. There were no complications and now you can begin the process of healing. You’re going to have to spend the next two weeks at home resting; we’ll give you a new prescription for some different painkillers, and just keep caning the bandage as was instructed previously. We’ll discharge you tomorrow and then see you in one week to see how that eye is doing, alright? Now, rest up Mr. Anderson.” With that, the doctor left and the two boys looked at each other.

    “‘m tir’d,” Blaine said, slurring his words from both the anesthetic and exhaustion.

    “Sleep Love,” Kurt said quietly, “I’ll be here when you wake up. I’ll always be here when you wake up.” Blaine fell asleep, his hand tightly clasped in Kurt’s and a content smile on his face.

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