Please, Smile... [GerIta]

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((The image above belongs to Pugishka from Tumblr.))

June 5, XXXX

Pictonians have taken over the entire planet as they convert everything in their path into the color white, including civilians. An island in the middle of nowhere, filled with trees and beautiful white sand, is all the planet has left that still has its natural state. All excluding the remains of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, who are the only ones being protected from the invasion with the help of the shield of neutrality.

On the island, there stands a group of seven men: Japan, America, England, France, Russia, China, and Germany. Italy was there with them earlier, but he ran off after his cat when the Pictonians arrived on the island and scared Pookie. Sealand tried to stop them from attacking the island earlier on his own, but he failed and became one of them shortly afterwards. Now the men have no choice but to fend for themselves with the little strength they have left. Everyone fought for as long as they could, resisting every punch the white creatures, who were once human, threw at them and withstood through the battle for a very long time.

But not long enough.

China's the first to get hit with the Pictonian's powers on both his arms, slowly transforming him into their strange white form. He tried to use his wok as a shield to protect himself from the green aura, but failed to do so. America follows the same fate shortly afterwards when he hurt his left leg. Distracted by the American, England gets hurt when the monsters aimed for his chest. Russia then got hit on his back while France simultaneously hurts his left hand when they were surrounded. Eventually Japan turns into a Pictonian when his left shoulder got hit, leaving Germany to fight on his own.

It wasn't long until the blond German ran out of strength as he constantly strikes his fists at the white abominations. Three of them jump on top of him, taking advantage of the opportunity to weaken him, and slowly drain away his colors as they turn him into one of them. Germany eventually shook them off his back and looks down at his body to see himself transforming into a white monster before his very own eyes. After a few seconds, he slowly looks up to see a crying Italy at the distance, right behind a couple of small bushes. Fear capture inside those amber-colored eyes as they quickly fill up with twinkling tears. Seeing all his friends vanish in front of him is too much for the Italian to handle. He wishes he can do something about it, but all he can do is stand there and hope it's all just a nightmare.

Germany never liked to see Italy sad, especially when it involves him crying nonstop. He may appear hard as a rock with little to no emotions, but he still had strong feelings for the ginger man. Not wanting to waste more time, Germany turns around to face Italy and calls his name to get his attention. "Italy, come here!" was all he could manage to say, his voice breaking in between as if he was speaking by force. Feeling hesitant at first, Italy steadily shifts against the sand bellow his feet as he cautiously walks toward the blond male. Germany follows him with his eyes as he tries his best to hold on to his sanity, wishing he can slow down time to have a longer look at the Italian in front of him. Once the two men stand side-by-side, Germany gently cups his rough hand around Italy's small soft cheek and quietly whispers underneath his breath as he begins to speak. "Smile for me, please..."

Italy quickly shakes his head in response, not believing what he just heard. Why would Germany want to see him smile when his life was at stake? The ginger just tilts his head to the side in confusion as he scans the German's face with his amber colored eyes, taking in every wrinkle and small dent his face made, as if studying the German's skin complexion will help him look for the answer. "Wh-Why!? I'm too scared to smile!!" Small tears trickle down the Italian's cheeks as he speaks with a heavy chest. In return, Germany squeezes his eyes shut and turns his head to where his shoulder used to be, now a vacant white blob of despair. He remains like this for a while before looking back at the smaller man, a small tear beginning to form inside his piercing blue eye as he takes in a last perfect image of the man he cares about the most.

"Please, smile..." His broad body begins to tremble as he tries to finish his final thought. "...So I can see your smile for a last time..." Italy can feel his heart shatter into pieces as it endlessly sinks down towards his stomach. It hurts him so much to hear Germany say that, especially after waiting so long for this moment to come. Too bad it had to happen when the world is ending...

Swallowing past the lump in his throat, Italy blinks away a few of his tears and attempts to smile through all the sadness. The corner of his lips quiver in anguish as he tries his best to remain happy, for Germany's sake, but it was really hard for the small man to do when the love of his life is disappearing right in front of him in an agonizingly slow rate. More tears begin to fill the Italian's glassy eyes as Germany remains looking back into them, amber eyes meeting blue eyes for a final time.

The moment got cut short when the German's pale face begins to turn completely white, his beautiful blue eyes being the last thing Italy sees before he closes his eyes shut again. Through loud sobs and gasps for air, Italy crashes to the ground in agony and drags his legs towards his face, burying his damp face into his knees as he lets his shoulders shake uncontrollably.

Unexpectedly, Italy feels someone grab his left shoulder and quickly looks up to see Germany's Pictonian form looking down at him, his face showing no emotion. The smaller man was about to speak, but stops when he sees a familiar green aura with pink flowers casting over where his shoulder was being touched. He looks closer over the small area once Germany removes his big hand and sees that he's now becoming a white creature too. This worried Italy at first, his heartbeat and breathing increasing rapidly, but at the same time he wanted this. He didn't want to be left alone on Earth while everyone else was a Pictonian. He wants to be just like the others and blend in with the crowd. He slowly stands up on his feet, the tears finally stopping, and finally gives Germany a real smile knowing he'll soon join him in their new form.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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