Going back

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Hey guys I hope you enjoy this part, now I have an announcement, I am going to try the most stupidest or awesome thing in the world. I am trying to publishing 5 parts on Monday. So I am going to need time so if you see that I didn't publish anything don't worry, because there will be tons of drama, within those five parts, anyway hope you enjoy!
I wake up to see the sun shining, and the birds chirping, if feel like I am in a fucking movie, XD
I see Max sleeping right next to me, I chuckle and place a kiss on her forehead
I wake up to Fang starting at me, with his dorky smile
"Good morning sunshine" he says
"Good morning dork" I said
"Harsh" he says
"Whatever go get dressed" I said
"Why" he asked
"Because I-i want to go back to the lab" I said
"WHAT" he yells
"Yeah, I mean what if we left someone behind or what if they are plotting something against us" I said panicking
"Max, look at me" he said holding my chin up
"I killed Jen and Ari, and mostly everyone that was there" he said
"I know but I just want to go back" I said
"No and that is my final answer" he said
"You have left me no choice" I said
He looks back to see what I was going to do
"Your lying" he says
"Or am I" I said
I open the window ready to jump out, Fang does not seem convinced to I jump out
I extend my wings and fly off
I see Max fly off she is going to get herself killed!
"Max wait please" I said
Just as she heard me she stopped
"What" she said
"Please don't go I don't want to see you get hurt" I said
"But I won't, I promise" she said
"Max remember the last time we went back, you almost got killed by Ari" I said
"But that won't be a problem since you killed him" she said
"But still there will be tons of more erasers" I said
"Fang please..." she said
"Max you got hurt once I don't want it to happen again" I said shaking
"But Fang with you with me nothing will happen" she said
She touched me left cheek and pulled me closer
"Fang, please come with me" she said
"Okay I will go" I said
She got even closer and kissed me
As the kiss got deeper I put my arms around her waist, and pulled her body closer to mine
I could feel my body getting closer to Fang, his body is so warm, he starts to touch my wings softly
"Fang we should get going" I said breaking the kiss
"Okay let's go" he said
"Let's just hope that no one sees us" I said
"Yeah" he said
You thought I was dead Fang, well guess again, you will pay for what you did to my father, so why don't I start with taking away Max from you for good! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH XD

Hey guys hope you enjoyed that part, I told you that things would get interesting, so I won't update tomorrow because I will be working on the 5 parts so enjoy but i will put some bonus scenes, so please don't get so fused from the real ones to the bonus ones,hehehehehehehehehehehehe

Hey guys hope you enjoyed that part, I told you that things would get interesting, so I won't update tomorrow because I will be working on the 5 parts so enjoy but i will put some bonus scenes, so please don't get so fused from the real ones to th...

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