Going Back part 3

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Hey guys hope you enjoy, also Miss Twisted and I will start to work on the cross over soon!
The Next day everyone woke up ready
"Guys we have to get going, the sooner we get this chip out of me the better" said Max
"Let's go" I said
We all extended our wings and flew into the sunrise
" Max we are almost there" I said
"Okay tell everyone to keep their eyes peeled" said Max
"Okay" i said
Looks like we already have company
"Well look who it is" said Ari
"There person who KILLED MY FATHER" he yelled
While he said that his eyes flooded with anger
"He was a bad man, he deserved to die" I said
"You know who else deserves to die" he said
"Max" he said
GET THE HELL OFF ME" I heard Max scream
I race towards her trying to get her out of the erasers grip, but instead get blown off
"Now before I kill her, I should kill you first right, or should I spare you so you could see your beloved Max get killed" he said
Before he could do anything I punched right in the gut, causing him to fall, but he didn't give up just yet
"Fang, that was your first mistake" he said
As he said it was my first and probably my last mistake, one of the erasers had stabbed me, in the shoulder
"You think that, that knife is gonna hurt me" I said
"No but this will" he said
He reached for his back and grabbed a gun, and he shot Max
"Oh that worked" he said
I saw Max get shot and didn't do anything, I saw her wince in pain and did NOTHING
"Now you know how I feel" he said
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Max
"MAX" yelled Stephanie
"Yeah I know so tragic" he said
"Well guess what since you care about all of them so much Fang, they're next" he said smiling evil like
"We are not going down without a fight" said Stephanie
"Well then if that if what you want" he said
We fought to the death, most of the erasers have fall but we haven't, yet
"Fang look out!" Yelled Dylan
I flew upward and saw dead bodies, erasers dead, and Max, she wasn't there
No this not how I die I will not die today, not today, I need to help them but how, I am weak and losing blood, just as I was thinking I could see Stephanie fly down to me and crying
"Max I thought you died" she said sobbing
"Nope, but I might if I don't stop this bleeding" I said
Okay totally not on topic but who watches Grey's Anatomy besides me 😂
"Okay to stop the bleeding I will need a bandage, but Max we have a problem" she said
"What is the problem" I said
"The bullet is still there" she said
"I have an idea" I said
I ripped off a piece of my clothes and stuffed it in my mouth, this is gonna hurt
"Stephanie where is the bullet" I said
"It's right here" she said pointed to it
"Okay, Stephanie" I said
"Yeah" she said
"Hold my hand" I said
"Okay" she said
I locate the bullet and try to pull it out, it starts to hurt so I bite down the cloth I stuffed, in my mouth, and it's out
"Okay now you can bandage it" I said
Stephanie starts to put pressure on the wound and places the bandage, on me
"Okay I have to go help" I said
"Max not yet" she said
"Why not" I said
"Because I have a plan" she said
All the erasers are dead except for one
"Your army is down, give up" I said
"So what I am twice as stronger than all of you" he said
"Can't wait to kill you all" he said
"Well I am twice as much smarter than you" said... Max?
STEPHANIE POV ♥️ tarazonastephanie
"Max, you finally decided to join the party" said Ari
"Damn right" I said
I flew up to him and punched him hard in the gut, and so did Max
"Wait...." siaid Ari
Everyone else looked confused too
"What is wrong seeing two of us" I said
We circled around him until he got tired of figuring out which one is which, and after that we finished him off
As he was getting dizzier, I grabbed him by the neck
"Next time you try to mess with me, it won't be as pretty" I said
"Wait there is a next time" said Fang
"No there isn't" I said
I got the gun and shot him dead, I just killed my brother
"Max you're okay" said Angel
"Of course I am, with the help of Stephanie of course" I said
"Wait what about the chip" said Dylan
"Oh don't worry Stephanie found out a way to remove it without damaging anything" I said
"Well at least everyone okay" said Nudge
"We should head home" said Angel
Everyone went to bed, so did Fang and I
"Max, I am so happy that you are still here" he said
"I did nothing when you were hurt, just stood there and did nothing" He said breathing heavily
"Fang it's okay I'm still here" I said caressing his cheek
"I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere" I said
"I die when everyone else dies" I said
"Same goes for you" I said poking him cheek
He pulls me closer and kiss me, I place my arms around his neck, and I feel his arms on my hips, deepening the kiss
"I love you Max" he said
"I love you too Fang" I said
We lay down in bed, and get comfy
"Night" said Fang
"Goodnight" I said
Fang placed his arms on my waist and pulled me closer, as that happened I had already drifted off to sleep

Hey guys I am really sorry for not uploading, my life just sucks right now, but hey I got a chapter out so that is good, anyway I hope you enjoy, this took me a while to get finished, hope you guys have an awesome day and stay tuned for more of WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE

Hey guys I am really sorry for not uploading, my life just sucks right now, but hey I got a chapter out so that is good, anyway I hope you enjoy, this took me a while to get finished, hope you guys have an awesome day and stay tuned for more of WE...

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