There Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

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Blood covers the walls of a futuristic facility. Pieces of bone and brain accompany small pools of blood, that are scattered across the floor. The sight was gruesome and barbaric. But one kid walks these halls with a smile etched onto his face. This kids name is Mike. Mike knew this would happen. It was inevitable. But this wasn't over just yet and Mike knew that. There was one other person capable of surviving an explosion in the back of their neck. And that person had Mike's gun. He had Mike's friends. But Mike had nothing. Just a revolver with a small amount of ammo. After a few more turns, Mike arrives in a familiar arena like area. The area had bodies spread across the floor. A few active cameras stare at Mike as he stands there, tauntingly. Right in front of Mike was a set of double doors, with Mike's enemy behind them.
       Behind the doors stands a tall, muscular man with a giant hole in his neck. The hole was slowly repairing itself. The mans name was Jack, and Jack was extremely confident he'd win this battle ahead of him. So much so that he has a fun plan set up for Mike's little friends. Jack had set up some monitors in each test subjects room. The monitors were originally used to see the effects odd psychological videos would have on the test subjects. But these monitors are now going to be used to show live security camera footage. The footage being used was from the cameras watching Mike. So Jacks going to give these girls front row seats to Mike's Death. Jack flips a switch turning on the monitors. Each girl watches as Mike yells at the set of double doors ahead of him. "COME ON OUT JACK!" Mike yells.
       The doors swing open after Mike yells that. "Hello Mike, long time no see. How've ya been?" Jack says sarcastically. "I've been doing fine. How about you?" Mike says smiling. "I was doing ok, but then I watched as all of my soldiers died. So I'm not having a good day." Jack says with poison in his voice, "But now that I'm looking at my enemy. I'm sure I'm gonna have a great day." Mike smiles at Jacks words. "Funny. But I don't think you're gonna have a good day." Mike says while cracking his knuckles. Jack's smile shifts into a look of anger, and Mike smile just grows wider. "Ok, enough talking jackass. Let's fucking do this!" Mike says. After those words Jack stomps towards Mike. Without thinking too much, Mike pulls out his gun and fires into Jacks skull. Unsurprising it did nothing but make Jack flinch. Jack smiles and punches Mike right in the head. Mike falls down, dropping his gun on the way. The gun slides across the floor while Mike lays there almost unconscious. Mike flips himself over looking straight at Jack. Jack stands above him holding a very menacing army knife. Jack swing the knife down at Mike. Mike barely dodges it by rolling out of the way. Mike gets on his hands and knees but doesn't have enough time to stand up, because Jack stabs Mike in the side causing him to fall back down. With Mike on the ground Jack kicks the knife that's lodged into Mike's side, pushing it in deeper. The knife cuts into Mike's stomach. Loud grunts of pain emit from Mike as Jack keeps kicking the handle of the knife. Soon Mike's grunts turn into loud screams. Jack stops kicking Mike after a minute and grabs onto Mike's neck. Jack lifts Mike up off the ground and says, "Looks like I'm gonna have a wonderful day. Mike they're watching you. They see you through the cameras surrounding us. They hear those screams. I bet you thought you could be their hero. But, it turns out you're just a kid. A kid with a fucking death wish." Mike struggles to push Jack away but ultimately fails. Soon Jacks words fade away, and Mike's left with a voice. "Mike. What are you doing?" Mike looks around in an empty void. "Why are you failing?" Mike watches as a familiar silhouette comes into view, "You have so much potential Mike. But you are dying by the hands of an ex military general." Mike watches as the silhouette gains color. "Mike... you need to keep your promise." The silhouette turns into Alice. Alice walks up to Mike and says, "I need you Mike. They need you. Prove those fucking asshole parents of yours wrong. Show them what you are." Alice then punches Mike. Mike falls back onto the ground, shattering it once he touches it. Mike comes back into the land of the living, and looks into the eyes of a devil. Mike's hands wander down to his side. Once he reaches the handle of the knife, he grabs it. Mike winces slightly, and slowly starts to pull it out. Mike whimpers lightly causing Jack to laugh. Mike keeps pulling the knife out, but stops once he reaches the end. A small portion of the knife sits inside Mike. But that very small portion was stuck. It wouldn't budge with the small power Mike was pulling with. After a few more seconds of nearly dying, Mike grabs onto the handle again, and yanks on it. The knife slowly comes out of Mike's side, with one final tug the knife pops out of Mike's side. Without thinking, Mike lifts the knife up, and stabs it into Jack's neck. Jack grunts in pain, dropping Mike back onto the ground. Mike breathes heavily, while Jack tries to pull the knife out of his neck. With Jack distracted, Mike musters enough strength to lunge towards his revolver and grab it. With the revolver in hand, Mike rolls over and faces Jack. The gun shakes lightly as Mike catches his breath. The gun is aimed directly at Jacks head, but Mike waits for the perfect moment to pull the trigger. Jack finally pulls the knife out of his neck, and turns towards Mike. Jack's angry, and sadistic expression slowly leaves his face, and is replaced with an expression of fear. Mike smiles, and pulls the trigger. The gunshot rang throughout the empty hallways of the facility. With one last sigh from Mike, Jack falls to the floor. But Mike knew Jack wouldn't stay down, so he stands up and walks over to a slowly healing Jack. Mike looks at Jack with pure anger in his eyes, with one last breath Mike screams. The scream echoes through the halls, and soon his screams silence. That was Mike's battle cry. Mike looks at the gun that once was owned by him, but now resides in the hands of a psychopath. Mike reaches for the gun, and takes it.
To Be Continued...

The final part will be out soon. Thanks for reading and goodbye.

'HEAT' from the album 'Saturation' By: BROCKHAMPTON

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