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"MERCEDES, I ASSURE YOU I AM FINE." Kurt said, rather quietly, as the bell rang signaling the beginning of first period.

"Really? Because yesterday you seemed quite rattled at rehearsal." Mercedes raised an eyebrow.

"You really did." Tina piped up, as she joined them. The halls were clearing out, and each of the three were in separate classes but stuck together. Kurt remained silent, trying to get away from their nagging, even through they were just ensuring he was all right.

They had noticed that over the past few weeks he had been losing weight, had been awfully quiet, and not fighting Rachel for the solos in Glee club anymore. They wanted to help him, for he was rather miserable. But they couldn't stand up to Karofsky, he would just do the same to them.

"See you at rehearsal." Kurt turned into his first period math class, only to see a new face among the many he knew already. A small boy sat at the back of the class, his eyes cast down at his hands. He had this sweet, doe-like look about him, and his eyes meet Kurt's, as he took his seat next to him.

Kurt could feel his face burn as the boy softly smiled at him. Kurt was about to smile back when the classroom door shut, causing him to flinch and look to his math teacher.

The teacher took his place at the desk, and started the lesson immediately, not introducing the newest addition to their class. Kurt kept glancing over at the boy, who was now leaning his chin on his hand and directing his attention to the teacher, but his other hand was nervously tapping against his knee.

Kurt faced the teacher, but his mind was still on Karofsky. The whole issue had been escalating, he wasn't sure how much longer he could take it. But what could he do? The glee club needed him, and his dad needed the money, so transferring schools was out of the question. He had gone to Mr. Schuester, who had in turn gone to the principal, but they wouldn't do anything about it unless it got worse, and it seemed to Kurt that it was.

Throughout the rest of day he thought about being slurpeed when turning everyone corner, and flinched. He lived in constant terror at this school.

It wasn't until lunch that his mind was finally taken off of the matter, and his fears had been eradicated for a few minutes. The same boy he had seen in first period was sitting outside, under a tree, with a small instrument in his lap.

Both were oblivious to each other, one boy sitting at a picnic table only a few feet from the tree, looking down at his magazine. The other under the tree jotting down his thoughts into a notepad.

Kurt let out a sigh, enjoying the quiet of the outdoors. It was a cloudy day, and there was a light breeze that ruffled the trees. It smelt of rain and fresh cut grass, two smells that were rather delightful to some. It was rare that anyone sat outdoors on days like this, which is why both boys chose to be outside.

Suddenly the sound of a ukulele was carried through the air. Kurt looked up, now fully aware that there was another person outside with him. He turned to face the boy, who began to sing a melody that was unknown to him.

Kurt listened in awe as his voice floated over the sound of the ukulele, lovely and melodic. Kurt watched him play with a smile on his face, his cheeks burning in the presence of this boy. He was wearing a floral kimono, over a black shirt and skinny jeans of the same shade. His Vans matched the pattern on the kimono.

Kurt had a thought that he may be like him.

When he had finished what he had of his song, Kurt began to clap, surprising the boy, who turned bright red.

"That was awesome." Kurt gathered his things, and went to sit closer to the boy, a smile on his face. "I'm Kurt."

"I-I'm August." He stammered over his words, staring at the boy in front of him.

"You have such a nice voice." Kurt continued, stumbling over his own words. "You should join glee club. We have an extra spot, and they would be very happy to have another talented person join."

August stared at him, trying to think of what to say. He was speechless at the cuteness of this boy.


"Great! We meet in the choir room after school, and in the auditorium during fourth period on Thursdays." Kurt beamed at August.

"Okay." August managed a smile as Kurt got up and flounced off, leaving August staring after him with red cheeks.

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