Chapter 1.

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Hi everyone! Just letting you's know my story is mid process being edited and incomplete, so much apologies for any grammatical errors and such. I hope you enjoy reading 'Stuck In A House Full Of Boys' and please vote, comment, share with all of your friends, etc. Thank you and enjoy!!


The names Alice. If you want to know a little bit about me feel free to read on.

I'm 17 years old, birthday is on the 10th of August. I'm your average girl. Hates school, loves boys, shy most of the time until i come out of my shell, not a virgin, been kissed, im not afraid to say im one of the populars in school. Blonde way hair down to my chest, sea-blue eyes, curvy figure, bigger than average boobs.

I love my parents, they're the only family i have and they spoil me. We're your average rich family. Fancy cars, huge house, popular people in the neighbour hood. My besties are Abbie/Abz and Keely. I love them to bits. They're always there for me when I'm down, with 'The Notebook' and a big tub of Ben&Jerry's. We're the popular girls in school. All the boys drool over us, all the girls send us death glares.

My boyfriend, Daniel is the best you could ask for. Spoils me jewellery, clothes, shoes, anything you ask for. Sexy ask, i should know because we occasionally do it until i can't walk the next day. He's extremely good looking, hottest guy in school, plays for the football team, captain at that. He was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for until recently, on our anniversay which he completely forgot about, i shopped for a whole day looking for the sexiest little dress i could find. I put it on wore it over to his house and just let myself in because thats what i normally do. I even got him a fancy pure gold watch which cost over $400.

I took my jacket off and carried the fancy bag upstairs to his room. I stopped outside his door when i heard moaning and heavy breathing. I pushed open the door and there he was, fucking some blonde bimbo from behind. Tears immediately filled my eyes. How could he?!

Thats the story of that when i got home i texted him telling him we were done and told him don't even try ringing or coming over cause its just gonna make it worse. I called the girls and they were ready with 'The Notebook' and our Ben&Jerry's.

Since then i didn't see him or even talk to him for that fact.


Today its just a normal sunny day and i'm in the living room watching tv on our plasma screen tv. I boy, i love Gaz and his sexy abs. They're drool worthy. My mouth starts to water and i'm hipnotized. I'm broken out of my daze when that bimbo Charlotte starts making out with him.

I grab a pillow and throw it at the tv screaming, "Your a cheater Gaz.. How can i ever trust you again!? How can i ever trust anyone again!" I start bawling. I know i'm being strupid, but memorys from the fricken night keep popping back and torturing me.

Just as well my parents were gone to do the shopping or they'd send me to a mental home. I never actually told my parents what happened, i just said i broke up with him because it wasn't working, which of course they thought was a lie because they loved Daniel and his stupid cute ass.

Once i'm finished crying my eyes out i pick up the pillow and put it back in its place, turn the tv off and run up the stairs, down the hall, around the corner, down another hall, around another corner and up the stairs to my huge bedroom. I belly flopped on my bed and just lay there.. thinking.

I jump when i hear a knock on the front door. I jump up off my bed and run down the stairs around the, down the hall, around another corner, down another hall and jogged down the stairs. When i open the door i'm met by a woman i faintly recognise i study her face, memories coming back, a smile coming to my face. "Hi dear, you remember me? Dannielle? Or Danni as you used to call me.. heheh" she laughed thinking back.

"Danni!" I sream wrapping her in a hug! "How are you?! Come in!" i squeal like a girl on christmas. She hugs me back and i pull her into the kitchen, making some tea and handing her a cup.

"So what brings you all the way from Canada to San Diego?" i voice my thoughts.

"Well.. Ali.. there sort of has been an accident including your parents..which sadly they did not survive.." tears swell up in her eyes and the smile instantly drops from my face.. she cannot be serious.

'"Please tell me your saying the sickest joke on earth!" i sob, hoping shes just gonna jump up and say 'Gotche!', but sadly she didn't. I instantly start to cry when she shakes her head, as we hug eachother and cry our eyes out.

Now. I know everybody is probably thinking 'what the hell is going on?!' and that is why im here to explain. I was origanally born in Canada, but when i was 14 we moved to here, San Diego. We used to live near the McAddams family. My parents and Danni and Sean (her husband) were bestfriends, still are. We moved since dad got a job transfer, a really good one that he couldn't reject so we packed and left.

I'm confused myself as to why Danni's here so i voice my thoughts,"I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but how come your here with me and how come you found out before i did?" i ask troathily.

'Well sugarlump, before you and your parents moved here, they asked myself and Sean to be your guardians if anything did happen to them and we were more than happy to accept that offer, since i always wanted a girl. Living in a house with one nearing old man, and ten boys is really hard.." she sighs, "but now i have a daughter! Don't worry, i'll spoil you. We can go shopping have girls nights, anything to make you happy!" she smiles with me as we imagine it.

Then reality hits me like a brick as a gape at her ,"Then boys..?!" i shriek. How will i survive?! She looks down at me smiling weakly. I knew she had 5 boys when we were living there and she was pregnant, but i never thought she'd have more. You'd have to be insane!

"Yeah i know..Its mad, but we can get through it together!" she sighs, 'Now sugarlump, if you want i can help you pack your bags?" I smile gratefully at her. I lead her to my room, with her saying how jealous she is and she needs a house this big to fit her family into.

She gasps when she sees my room, 'It's beautiful!' she whispers. We start packing random suitcases i took from the attic and packed all my designer clothes, all my heels, converse, vans, etc, i packed my camera, phone, laptop and all my chargers and bits and bobs.

I changed into my baggy grey tacksuit bottoms and i tight fitting, long sleeve, tan top, that shows my figure. I put on my blue vans and put my hair in a bob. I took one last look at my old room and smile sadly, i'll miss you and your memories.

I jog down the stairs, around the corner, down the hall, around another corner, down the hall and down the stairs to meet an awaiting Dani and all my suitcases."You ready?" she asks, smiling at me. "Readier than i'll ever be!"


First part of my story please comment vote fan tell your friends to read

thanks a bunch if you read id love to know how my storys getting on:)

love you if you read;) Alicebubs xoxox

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