Chapter 7.

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It was now five o'clock in the evening and the boys had brought in our bags after dinner. We just finished unpacking and we were exhausted and starving.

We decided that Abbie would sleep on the single bed since she stirs and kicks alot in her sleep. Various times she sleep walks or talks and its really creepy!

"Right guys. You wanna go to McDonalds or something?" i ask and they jump up and down screaming and shouting.

"It's been ages since i've been to McDonalds! Yes, lets go." Abbie shouts. I really worry about that child..

They start to run around and fix their hair and makeup. They act as if its a really important date, or something.. I just grabbed my phone and money and put it into my bag.

"Whats all the shouting about?"i shriek and turn around to see Niall, leaning against my door, smirking with his arms folded.

"What happened to knocking? What if we were changing?"i frown at him.

"Then that would have been a bonus!" he winks at me. I frown even more.

"I thought you were supposed to be like the shy, sweet, kind one in this family. Without you its just Harry and Finn as the normal ones, and Harry isn't even normal!"

He frowns this time, "People change!"

"Your turning into your twin! I don't like your twin. Hes a jerk."

"Well thats good, because he gets all the girls!" he says smiling. My mouth drops. So this is what this is about.. getting girls.

I sigh. "Niall. You don't need to act like Spence to get a girl. Plenty of girls look for a sweet, sensitive, shy guy, not stuck up, players!" i smile sweetly at him and pat his back. He sighs. "Thanks Al." he hugs me and smiles, then leaves the room. What the hell just happened?!

"Woah. What was that all about?" Keely asks standing beside me, staring at the door where he just left.

"Don't have a clue!"

"Ai!!" l hear loud footsteps getting nearer. God. I just wanna get out of this hole of drama. "What?!" i ask.

Shay stops at my door and smiles at Keely and winks at her. She rolls her eyes at him.

"What do you want dweeve?" i ask him boredly. He frowns.

"Ummm.. J-mam wants to know where your going!" he asks innocently. I look strangely at him. That was weird..


"KTHANKSBYE!" he shouts and slams the door after him. K. That was beyond strange.

"What was that about?!" Abbie asks coming to stand beside us.

"Dunno. Lets go!" i say and grab my keys. I finally got used to the house after revising the map i drew. When we got to the door i shouted out, "Danni were going out! We'll be back later!"

"Okay girls. Have fun!" she shouts back. We walk out into my car and get into it. It was a 15 minute drive to McDonalds. We got out of the car and walked in. "Right. Yous go get a booth and ill order!" they walk off and find an empty booth in the corner. We always get the same thing so i knew what to order.

"Hello, how can i help you?" i snooty looking woman asked in a bored tone. Bitch.

"Um.. can i get 3 large fries, 3 cokes, 2 chicken burgers, a double cheese burger and 3 dairy McFlurrys!" i smile at her. She gives me a bored look and walks off. Geesh. Way to treat the customers! I take out a 20 dollar note. She comes back and puts my order on a tray.

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