Chapter 7

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"Oi, lovebirds, wake up its dinner" I heard Sam's gruff voice, it's sad I had to wake up to it.

I tried to sit up but was restricted by Matthew's arm. I almost forgot about my ridiculous request, but he still said yes...

I tapped him lightly. "Mattheww it's dinnerr" I dragged out.

He stirred and looked at me. "But I'm comfortableeee"

"Don't you wanna eat the cookies we made?"

He jumped up, helping me up and ran downstairs. I followed him slowly. My stomach felt more at ease, but I didn't trust it.

When I got downstairs I saw someone I hadn't seen for much to long.

"Dad!" I shout, rushing to him and giving him a bear hug.

"Oof-" He grunted from the impact of my strength.

"I missed you! When did you get back? Where did you go again?"

"China, I missed you too, I got back a little while ago but you were asleep so I waited... I heard you made cookies..? I know Matthew called and asked about your favorite but that was yesterday."

"Yeah, we ended up eating them all" I gave a nervous laugh. "But Matthew and I made peanut butter swirls if you want them-"

"Where are they?"

"On- on the stove"

Dad rushed into the kitchen, I could practically hear him gnawing away at the big cookies we baked.

"C'mon, Kaley, he's gonna eat them all!" Matthew nudged my arm then ran to the kitchen.

I followed.

My stomach was at bay, I don't know what it was. Maybe the nap, maybe it was my father returning home, or maybe I was finally getting better.

The first thing I saw was Matthew stuffing a big cookie in his mouth, I noticed two missing from the tray and my father was right next to him with half a cookie in his mouth and the other half in his hand.

Matthew smiled sheepishly and my dad just laughed, almost getting crumbs everywhere.

"They're really good!" Matthew said with his mouth almost completely full with cookie. "Here!" Mathew grabbed another cookie, "Open.." He said, holding the cookie a little bit away from my mouth.

I complied and he shoved the cookie in my mouth, surprising me.

I jumped back a little, laughing and trying the mix of peanut butter and chocolate Matthew shoved in my mouth.

We all looked like chipmunks.

"Mmmmm" I tasted, "You were right!" I couldn't resist but lick the crumbs off the sides of my mouth.

"Now for dinner, then more cookies!" Matthew yelled, going to his seat next to mine in the dining room.

My dad followed us out, laughing as he finished his cookie. "Thank you two for making these, they're delicious" He said before taking his last bite.

"No problem, pops" I said, nudging his arm a little.

"Oh, I got us pizza on my way back-"

"Really?" I shouted happily, rushing to the dining room followed by my own chorus of 'Yay!'s.

Matthew and Dad were behind me, talking to eachother casually as if i hadn't abandoned them for pizza.

I sat down, looking to Damien, who sat right next to me, and raising a brow.

Her little Matthew (SMTO fanfic OC x Matthew)  Where stories live. Discover now