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| Nat's POV |
Why does Owen sound so relieved that I answered? It's not like I could've been kidnapped in the last hour or so. "Okay. Where is it?" Zach and Grey were currently talking to one another in hushed tones, which was a little worrying, but I was too focused on Owen to pay serious attention. "North side of the island. Take a right before the raptors enclosure, it's a couple of miles down." Owen replied though he sounded vaguely worried. And whether it was just me or if he was worried about something, I had no clue.

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can. What about the kids?" I heard Owen grumble something unintelligible, but didn't ask for clarification. Instead, he sighed and offered a solution. "They won't be allowed over here. Just leave them somewhere safe and give them something to keep them busy while you help me." Well, that was one way to sort the problem. Claire wouldn't be a huge fan, but her nephews were old enough to stay out of trouble. Hopefully. "Okay. I'll get them to go on a Gyrosphere, and then I'll head over to the paddock. See you soon." He mumbled a goodbye before I hung up.

"Boys, change of plan," I turned in my seat, only to find Grey in tears and Zach looking the other way. "Zach! What did you do??" I was immediately out of my seat, reaching over Zach in order to get Grey out of his seat. He came without hesitation, and I gasped as he suddenly hugged me, wrapping his arms tightly around my middle. My arms were frozen for a moment, but as Grey sobbed rather loudly, I was compelled to hug him back, running a hand through his hair gently as he buried his face in my stomach. Older siblings could definitely be a pain in the ass.

There'd been two brothers who worked in the lab while I was still captive, and the eldest had been an asshole to his younger brother. Usually for no reason. "What did you do?" I hissed quietly at Zach, who scowled and glared at me in frustration. "I didn't do anything! He's just overly sensitive." Zach returned to staring away from us, and I could see other passengers on the monorail starting to stare at us. "Come on, sit with me, Grey." I ushered him into the window seat, and he unhappily leaned against the windowsill as I sat down opposite him. Whatever his brother had done, was really affecting him.

"Grey, did your brother say something insensitive?" I spoke in a gentle tone, but it didn't seem to be making a difference. Grey was still upset and refusing to talk. He was staring out the window, silent tears rolling down his cheeks. I snuck a look back at Zach, only to find him staring at his phone. But it wasn't the usual engrossed expression, he seemed rather guilty. Fumbling with his phone, but not actually using it. Acting without thinking, I reached back to place a hand on his knee, and he jumped as he looked up. I tried to subtly nod towards his brother, and lucky for me, Zach is smarter than he looks.

I vacated my seat, moving aside in the aisle so Zach could sit with his little brother. One of the girls Zach had previously been flirting with gave me a dirty look as I occupied what was previously Zach's seat. Apparently, she was pissed off that I'd made Zach move. Well, she can get dick later. Right now, Zach needs to make up with his little brother. The two brothers were talking in hushed voices, but soon enough, Zach had an arm wrapped around his little brother's shoulders, and Grey had ceased his crying.

The monorail was approaching the next station. I knew the Gyrosphere's were directly across from the station, so I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Boys, there's been a change of plan," Grey whined, but Zach was quick to shush him, "Work calls, and I need to help Owen with a new enclosure. So you two can get in a Gryosphere for the next half an hour, alright?" As the monorail arrived at the station, the two brothers followed me onto the platform, having to stick close since crowds of people were getting on as we were getting off. Grey suddenly gasped, grabbing my hand.

"You're going to see Owen?? The raptor trainer??" It must have clicked that I was talking about the same Owen from earlier. "Yeah. An enclosure needs to be evaluated for a new exhibit, and since the Raptors are smart about escaping, we know all the variables to a safe enclosure." I felt a tug on my hand and looked down to find Grey staring at me with the cutest expression. I believe Owen had previously explained to me about the 'puppy-dog eyes' expression. Which I'm quite sure Grey was doing right now. "Can we please come with you? I want to meet Owen."

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